Other economic institutions related to the African Civilization
The objectives of the module “African Economic Area” are the following:
To define the characteristics of the Economic Areas of the African Civilization
To know the economic profile of the African Countries
To understand the influence of the African Traditional Religions, Islam and Christianity on the African Economic Area
To understand the economic integration process of the African Civilization
To analyze the main African businesspeople
To know the economic relationships of the African Civilization with the other civilizations (Western, Sinic, Buddhist, Hindu, Orthodox, and Islamic)
To analyze the main Economic Organizations related to the African Economic Area
Preliminary Note: Some scholars, especially in the West, prefer not to consider the existence of the African Civilization. Our view is the opposite: we believe that indeed there is one or more African Civilizations and sub-Civilizations, a view shared by almost all the African Historians. We must also never forget that Africa is the cradle of humanity and from Africa, Homo sapiens colonized the rest of the World.
EENI wish to be part of this African Renaissance and help to explain to the world the fundamental role that Africa has had, has and will have in the history of humanity. Therefore, within this module on the African Civilization; we have developed a series of subjects (learning units)
about the history of Africa (African Historians, slave trade, African Diaspora) that allow better understand the African reality.
To understand better the economic situation in Africa, five African Economic Areas will be analyzed.
The module “African Economic Areas” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI:
3- Key Economic Institutions of the African Civilization.
Economic Integration of the African Civilization (Economic Organizations, Trade Agreements).
Agreements and institutions covering all the African Economic Areas
Integration in West Africa
Integration in Central Africa
Integration in Southern Africa
Integration in East Africa
African Economic Area and integration in Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic
profile of the member countries of the African Civilization
From the economic integration of the African Civilization we can identify the following economic areas that bring together fifty-four African Countries:
Twenty-six African Countries of the East African Community (EAC), the COMESA, and the SADC have created this innovative agreement
of the African Integration that allows creating a market of 527 million Africans.
Of all the African Countries only Morocco has signed the Framework Agreement + PRETAS (Protocol on the Preferential Tariff Scheme) + Rules of origin
Seventeen African nations (Egypt, Guinea, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan, Somalia, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau,
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Comoros, Djibouti, Benin, Nigeria, and Ivory Coast) have signed the Framework Agreement + PRETAS
Chad, Gabon, Libya, Senegal, and Uganda only have signed the Framework Agreement
Algeria, Mali, Mozambique, and Togo have not ratified the Agreement yet
Interactions of the African Civilization with the other
Islamic Civilization
Hindu Civilization
Western Civilization
Sinic Civilization
Buddhist Civilization
Orthodox Civilization
Africa was the cradle of humanity, and according to the UNICEF “The future of humanity is increasingly African.”
The current African population is 1,100 million people
In 2100, will be 4,000 million people
In thirty-five years, 25% of the world's population will be African
South Africa has been the African economic engine and political leader, but Nigeria could become the Central State. Nigeria is already the first African Economy, ahead of South Africa, and with 1,000 million people in 2100.
There is also no doubt that great civilizations and empires have emerged
in Africa throughout the history of humanity:
Nimrod, Carthage, Egypt, the African Empires (Ghana, Ethiopia, Mali, Wolof, Songhai).
Maybe if we exclude the Maghreb, Egypt, Sudan, and Djibouti (countries with Muslim majorities, and Arabic race, except the last two), there is no doubt that the rest
of the African nations
forms a socio-cultural
This African Civilization is identified in the space and includes Sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, above all to belong to a black race the primal of humanity, from which the humanity descend.
A civilization in which most of the borders are the result of the post-colonialism, and certainly; they should disappear in the long-term.
A region with common key challenges:
Diseases (AIDS, Malaria...)
Lack of infrastructures
Full integration into the global economy
“Sinicization” of Africa (i.e., the Chinese economic colonization of Africa)
Inter-Religious clash (Sudan, Nigeria, Sahel)
Moreover, with great common opportunities:
Negotiation as an African economic bloc to the rest of the World (preferential market access, subsidies
reduction in the EU
or the United States)
African Integration
South-South trade, especially with Asia and Latin America (Iberian America)
Control of the value chain for exporting raw materials. Stop
exporting raw materials to export value-added products
Joint exploitation of the vast African energy resources
A civilization in which the African Union is playing an essential role.
Two countries can surely become the Central States of the African Civilization: Nigeria (80 million Muslims and 80 million Christians) and/or South Africa (Christianity).
From a cultural perspective we can identify two areas:
North Africa area. The Maghrebian Economic Area consists of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, and the Western Sahara, which also belongs to the Islamic Civilization.
Because of its economic integration (COMESA and the tripartite agreement), Egypt and Libya are assigned to East African Economic Area
Sub-Saharan Africa Economic Area (Nigeria/South Africa)
Christian Economic Area, mainly covering the countries south of the Sahel
Muslim Economic Area, mainly covering the Sahel countries (from Senegal to Sudan)