EENI Global Business School

Doctorate in Ethics, Religions, Business, Online

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E-learning Doctorate in Global Ethics, Religions and International Business. Islam, Hinduism (Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English)

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Religions, Ethics, and Global Business

Religions, Business, Ethics

The objectives of the Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Specialization in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business (3 years, 180 ECTS) taught by EENI Global Business School are to train the doctoral student to be able to research on topics related to:

  1. Religions of the World (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism...) and its ethical principles
  2. Influence of Religions on the international business
  3. Development of a Model of a Global Ethics common to all mankind
  4. The Globalization process and the Economic Areas of the World (Western, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic, Orthodox, Sinic, African...)
  5. Civilizations, religions, and economic integration

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

African Students (Masters, Courses, Foreign Trade, Business)

  1. Tuition Fees: EUR 3,000
    1. Financing
  2. Duration: maximum of
    three calendar years Maximum of three calendar years since the formalization of the Enrollment up to the thesis deposit. If, after the three calendar years period the Doctoral Student has not deposited thesis, the Doctorate Programme Direction may authorise an extension of up to two years.
  3. Credits: 180 ECTS
  4. Open Online Enrollment
  5. Download the Admission Form
  6. Download the syllabus of the Professional Doctorate (PDF)

Intended for graduates and working professionals who wish to continue their professional career in the field of International Business applying the global ethics principles with a deep knowledge of the Religions of the World and their influence on the way of doing business.

The Doctorate is part of the category of the Doctorate in International Business (DIB), which has the dual aim of contributing to the knowledge and practice.

84% of humanity (6,000 million people) states belong to any religion. How does religions and ethics influence on global business?

Language: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. All the subjects offered are available in English, French and Spanish
  2. Approximately 40% of the subjects are also available in Portuguese
  3. Thus, the Doctoral Student can perform this doctorate entirely in English (or French, Spanish or Portuguese)
  4. The student should have a sufficient level to study the subjects in these languages

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Doctorado en Religiones y Negocios Internacionales Study Doctorate in International Business in French Doctorat en éthique, religions et affaires Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Doutoramento em Ética, Religiões e Negócios.

Structure - Online Doctorate in Business

Structure of the Doctorate.

  1. Coursework. Study of the Subjects (minimum 20 ECTS, maximum 60 ECTS)
    1. Candidates who have completed the Master in Religions and International Business taught by EENI will be exempt from completing this training complement, validating all the doctorate subjects already studied in the Master, going directly to the research phase of the doctorate
  2. Research Work and Thesis Plan of the Doctorate (40 ECTS)
  3. Thesis and Thesis Defense (120 ECTS)

EENI provides a range of Related Subjects to the Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business. The Doctoral Student can select the most suitable subjects depending on the thesis. The minimum ECTS Credits to be selected is 20, maximum is 60. The Doctoral Student selects the subjects once formalized the enrollment.

To facilitate the subject selection, these are organized into several blocks:

Global Ethics and International Business: Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and Harmony of Religions (Sri Ramakrishna)

Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and International Business. Jainism Harmony of Religions. Sri Ramakrishna Principle and Global Business

1- Introduction to Global Ethics, Religions of the World, and International Business (10 ECTS).

  1. Globalization and International Business
  2. Intercultural Negotiation
  3. Introduction to the Religions of the World
  4. Civilizations, Religions and Economic Integration (structure)
  5. Principles of a Model of a Global Ethics (PDF)
  6. International Business without Corruption (PDF) (structure)

Civilizations and economic integration

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

2- Islam: Ethics and Business (PDF) (structure) (19 ECTS).

  1. Sunnis and Shiites
  2. Islamic Organizations (PDF)
  3. Islamic Economic Area: Eurasian (PDF), Arab (PDF), Maghrebian (PDF), African

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

3- Christianity: Ethics and Business (PDF) (structure) (20 ECTS).

  1. Catholicism (structure)
  2. Protestantism (structure)
  3. Western Economic Area: European, North American, Latin American, the Caribbean, and Oceania

Business and Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism...

4- Indian Religions: Ethics and Business (PDF) (6 ECTS).

  1. Hinduism (structure)
  2. Jainism (structure)
  3. Zoroastrianism (structure)
  4. Sikhism (structure)
  5. Hindu Economic Area

Buddhism and Global Business

5- Buddhism: Ethics and Business (PDF) (structure) (5 ECTS).

  1. Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada, Zen, and Vajrayana
  2. Buddhist Economic Area

Taoism, Confucianism and Business

6- Chinese Religions: Ethics and Business (4 ECTS) (PDF).

  1. Taoism (structure)
  2. Confucianism (structure)
  3. Sinic Economic Area

Orthodox Christianity, Ethics and Global Business

7- Orthodoxy: Ethics and Business (3 ECTS).

  1. Orthodox Christianity (PDF) (structure)
  2. Orthodox Economic Area (PDF)

8- Other Religions and / or Philosophies (1 ECTS).

  1. African Traditional Religions
  2. Judaism
  3. Agnosticism
  4. Bahá'í Faith

9- Research Methodology

10- Thesis of the Doctorate

11- Research Work and Thesis Plan of the Doctorate.

Why study Religions and Business?.

To be admitted to the Professional Doctorate in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business, the students must have earned a Master's Degree

  1. If you do not have a Master's Degree you can Enroll in the Master in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business. You will be exempt from the final Master's Thesis and you will be able to access the doctorate by going directly to the doctoral thesis preparation (you should not take the complement teachings of the doctorate)
  2. The graduate students in the Master in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business taught by EENI can Enroll directly in the Doctorate in International Business Specialization in American Business validating all the subjects already studied on the master

You must send by e-mail a certified photocopy of your diploma of master. This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enroll.

Pedro Nonell, African Students, Master Doctorate, International Business

The Diploma of Professional Doctorate is awarded after assessing:

  1. Level of participation of the Doctoral Student in the Doctoral Subjects
  2. Research Work
  3. Thesis Defense

Once defended and overcame the thesis, the Doctoral Student will receive its diploma of the “Professional Doctorate in Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business” issued by EENI Global Business School.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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