Protestants (4
million, 35% of Malawian population)
Islam (15%)
Malawi belongs to the East African Economic Area.
Malawian Economy:
The economy of Malawi is based on the agricultural sector,
which is the driving factor of the Malawian economic growth
Agriculture: 30% of Malawi's GDP
The Malawian agricultural sector also grew strongly resulting in augmented tobacco
Malawi is the seventh largest world tobacco producer
Malawi is Africa's third largest tea producer
The Malawian economic growth impulse is generated by manufacturing, information and communication (IT), financial, and insurance services, mining, and quarrying, Transport and storage, accommodation, and food services sectors
Malawian currency: Malawi Kwacha
International Trade of Malawi:
Total exports of Malawi
rise to 688.5 million dollars from 634.3 million in the previous year
Malawian imports are estimated to have augmented to 992.1
million dollars from 920.3 million
business and Foreign direct investment opportunities exist in all the sectors of the Malawian economy
There are preference sectors that are targeted because of their economic potential to
increase the export earnings of Malawi, in line with the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
The main sectors offering optimum returns to local and foreign investors:
manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, mining, and forestry