African Historians, Anta Diop, Ki-ZerboAfrican Renaissance (Historians): Bethwell Ogot, Ahmadou Hampaté Bá, Boubou Hama
African Literature.
African Historians The objectives of the subject “African Historians”, also, to publicly our admiration to all those historians, are:
The Subject “African Historians” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Doctorate in African Business. Download the syllabus: “History of Africa” (PDF). Languages: or Historiens Africains Historiadores Africanos Historiadores Africanos. After the famous Senegalese historian Sheikh Anta Diop, revolutionized the vision on the African history, from the prehistory to the present, based on the conception that Africans must write his story, the perception of the African place in the history of humanity is changing radically. Other leading historians such as Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Burkina Faso), Théophile Obenga (Congo) or Elikia M'Bokolo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) are contributing to rewrite the history, not only the African History but the History of Civilizations. In this subject; we wish to pay tribute to all those historians who allow us to understand this African Renaissance. It would be impossible to analyze the works of all the African Historians, so we have selected the works of some of the most famous historians. We apologize for all those African historians not included in this analysis. Sample: (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |