The Departments of the Republic of the Congo are Likouala (Impfondo), Sangha (Ouesso), Cuvette Ouest (Ewo), bowl (Owando), Plateaux (Djambala), Pool (Kinkala), Bouenza (Madingou), Lekoumou (Sibiti), Niari (Dolisie) Kouilou (Pointe-Noire), and Brazzaville
The Republic of the Congo belongs to the Central African Economic Area.
Economy of the Republic of the Congo:
The economic efficiency of the Republic of the Congo (Africa) owes a great deal to the increase of the Congolese petroleum production (115 million barrels)
Fiscal reform and debt relief obtained under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
Top economic sectors of the Republic of the Congo: agriculture, Petrol, and services
Petrol (the fourth African producer), wood, manganese, natural gas, gold, iron, diamonds, copper, potassium, and zinc
Petroleum production: 10 to 15 million tones annually. The Congolese reserves remain relevant
Hydroelectric Potential: 2,500 megawatts
The largest potash producer in Africa. Potash reserves: 800 billion tones
Iron: 1 billion tones
Congolese gas reserves: 120 billion m3
Gold Fields in operation: 100 t/year over 30 years
Top Congolese
trade partners: The United States, France, China, India, the Emirates, and South Korea
Top Congolese exports are petrol, timber, minerals, copper, precious stones
Port of Pointe-Noire: the only Central African deep-sea port
The Republic of the Congo has many advantages and offers many business opportunities.
The preferred sectors for the foreign direct investment are:
- Agriculture, livestock, and fisheries
- Building and public works
- Forests
- Mining
- Energy
- Industry
- Tourism and hospitality
- Telecommunications
- Health and housing
- Education
- Banks, insurance, and microfinance
- Services
- Real Estate.