EENI Global Business School

African Slave Trade and Slavery

African, Muslim, Transatlantic Slave Trade, 24 million Africans

The Transatlantic African Slave Trade (men, women, and children): a crime against humanity.

1- Introduction to the African Slave Trade.

  1. Role of the UNESCO. Project: Slave Route
  2. Introduction to the African Slave Trade in the Arab-Muslim World
  3. Indian Ocean Trade
  4. Slavery as “institution”

2- Transatlantic African Slave Trade and Slavery.

  1. Slave Routes
  2. Why the African slaves?
  3. The Transatlantic African Slave Trade and its impact on the African, European, and American socio-economic development

3- Similarities and Differences between the African Slave Trade.

  1. History of Slavery in Africa
  2. Moral dimensions of the African Slave Trade
  3. Transatlantic African Slave Trade
  4. The African Slave Trade from 16th to 18th centuries (General History of Africa - UNESCO)

4- Slave Uprisings

5- Abolition of Slavery.

  1. Role of the Quakers, William Wilberforce
  2. The case of the abolition in Santo Domingo
  3. Haitian Revolution
  4. Prohibitions of the slave trade
  5. Abolitionists decrees
  6. End of Slavery
  7. From the abolition of Slavery to Colonization
  8. Abolition by countries
  9. Abolition of slave trade (UNESCO)
  10. Diaspora Division of the African Union
  11. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (United Nations)

6- Post-slavery societies in America (the African Diaspora).

  1. African Diaspora in America
  2. Creation of their identity. Marcus Garvey. Aimé Césaire
  3. Contributions to society: music (jazz), language, sciences, and religion
  4. Racist theories
  5. Socio-psychological consequences

Abolition of Slavery. American Quakers were the first to condemn Slavery and slave trade.

7. Slavery in a globalized World

  1. Conventions prohibiting the Slavery
  2. Supplementary Convention on Abolition of Slavery
  3. Slavery today
  4. New forms of slavery

8- Some personages and institutions related abolitionism

  1. Quakers
  2. Henry David Thoreau
  3. William Wilberforce
  4. Toussaint Louverture
  5. Harriet Tubman
  6. Frederick Douglass
  7. Victor Schoelcher

E-learning Doctorate and Masters in International Business

The Subject “African Slave Trade and the Slavery” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate in African Business, Ethics, Religion & Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Master in Business in Africa.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Traite Negriere Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Tráfico negreiro Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Trata de Negros.

Between 1500 and 1900:

  1. Near four million of African slaves were transported to the Indian Ocean Islands plantations
  2. Near eight millions were exported to the Mediterranean countries

Figures (UNESCO) on the number of deportees (VIII - XIX century): 24 million Africans.

  1. Estimation of the African population (half of the nineteenth century): 100 million Africans
  2. What the African population might have been (half of the nineteenth century): 200 million Africans

African Slave Trade:

  1. African Historical Trafficking: (estimation tens of million Africans)
  2. Muslim Trade (7th - 20th centuries, 8 - 12 million Africans):
    1. Tran-Saharan Trade: Destination to the Maghreb, Egypt, and the Mediterranean region (eight million)
    2. Oriental Trade: Destination
      1. Arabian Peninsula
      2. Indian Ocean Islands (four million)
  3. Transatlantic African Slave Trade:
    1. organized by the Europeans: Spain - Castile (the founders), the UK, France, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The United States and Brazil
    2. Centuries: 16th - 19th (400 years)
    3. Destination: throughout the Americas and the Caribbean
    4. 12 million Africans

Africans descendants of the Diaspora have largely contributed to the European, American, and the Asian development.

Sample - African Slave Trade and Slavery
Transatlantic African Slave Trade

African slave routes

EENI African Business Portal.

General History of Africa

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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