EENI Global Business School

Doctorate in European Business, e-learning

Online Professional Doctorate in European Business: EU, Russia, Balkans (Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English)

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

The objectives of the Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in European Business (3 years, 180 ECTS) taught by EENI Global Business School are to train the doctoral student to be able to research on topics related to the European Business:

Doctorate in European Business (Online) European Union, CEFTA, EFTA...

Thus, the Doctoral Student can apply creative solutions and take the appropriated business decisions related to the European Markets.

  1. Intra-European Trade
  2. European Economy
  3. Regional Integration Processes in Europe
  4. European Union
    1. United Kingdom (BREXIT)
  5. European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
  6. European Economic Area
  7. Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  8. Transport and Logistics in Europe
  9. Russia and the Orthodox Economic Area
  10. Interconnections between the European Markets...

Info EENI Enrol / Request for Information

E-learning Course Master, International Business

  1. Tuition Fees: EUR 3,000
    1. Financing
  2. Duration: maximum of
    three calendar years Maximum of three calendar years since the formalization of the Enrollment up to the thesis deposit. If, after the three calendar years period the Doctoral Student has not deposited thesis, the Doctorate Programme Direction may authorise an extension of up to two years.
  3. Credits: 180 ECTS
  4. Open Online Enrollment
  5. Download the Admission Form
  6. Download the syllabus of the Doctorate (PDF)

Intended for graduates and professionals who wish to continue their professional career in the field of international business with an emphasis in Europe.

The Doctorate is part of the category of the Doctorate in International Business (DIB), which has the dual aim of contributing to the knowledge and practice.

A Doctorate in European Business that fits your schedule and helps you to get a better job.

Language: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. All the subjects offered are available in English
  2. Approximately 60% of the subjects are also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese
  3. Thus, the Doctoral Student can perform this doctorate entirely in English (or French, Spanish or Portuguese)
  4. The student should have a sufficient level to study the subjects in these languages

Study Doctorate in International Business in French Doctorat en Affaires en Europe Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Doctorado en Negocios en Europa Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Doutoramento em Negócios na Europa.

Structure - Online Doctorate in Business

Structure of the Doctorate.

  1. Coursework. Study of the Subjects (minimum 20 ECTS, maximum 60 ECTS)
  2. Research Work and Thesis Plan (40 ECTS)
  3. Thesis and Thesis Defense (120 ECTS)

Related Subjects to Europe offered by EENI

EENI provides a range of Related Subjects to Europe (more than 150 ECTS credits).

  1. The Doctoral Student can select the most suitable subjects depending on the thesis
  2. The minimum ECTS to be selected is 20, maximum is 60
  3. The Doctoral Student selects the subjects once formalized the enrollment

To facilitate the subject selection, these are organized into several blocks:

  1. European (PDF) [2], Orthodox (PDF) [2] and Eurasian (PDF) [2] Economic Areas
  2. Christianity (Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy) and Business in Europe (PDF) (structure) [6]
  3. European Union (PDF) (structure) [3]
    1. United Kingdom (BREXIT)
  4. Single Market of the EU (PDF) (structure) [4]
  5. Business in the markets of the EU [37]
  6. The EU International Relations (PDF) (structure) (agreements) [8]
  7. Business in Russia (PDF) (structure) [12]
  8. Business in the EFTA Countries (PDF) (structure) [9]
  9. Business in the Countries of the CEFTA (PDF) (structure) [9]
  10. Business in the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey (PDF) (structure) [7]


  1. Below you can find detailed information about the subjects of the Doctorate
  2. Brackets [] show ECTS credits
  3. PDF: download the index and objectives of the unit or module in PDF format

Research Areas of the Doctorate in European Business:

  1. Minimum ECTS to be selected is 20, maximum is 60
  2. The Doctoral Student should select the most appropriate subjects for his thesis
  3. The Doctoral Student can use any possible subject combination

Analyzed Markets in the Doctorate in European Business:
Europe Trade Agreements

Module - European Economic Areas (6 ECTS)

  1. European Economic Area of Western Civilization [2] (PDF)
  2. Orthodox Economic Area (PDF)
  3. Central Eurasian Economic Area [2] (PDF)

European Institutions:

  1. Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
  2. Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
  3. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

Trans-European Transport Corridors

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Module - Christianity (Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy) and Business in Europe [6]

  1. Christianity and Business (PDF)
  2. Catholicism
  3. Anglican Church
  4. Protestantism
  5. Christianity in Europe

Orthodoxy (PDF).

Orthodox Christianity, Ethics and Global Business

Christianity and Business

Catholicism and Business

Protestants and Business

Orthodox and Business

The EU and Their Institutions

Module - EU and their institutions (PDF) (3 ECTS).

1- Introduction to the EU

  1. Aims, organization and functioning of the EU
  2. Principles of the EU Law
  3. Economy of the EU
  4. Economic impact of the BREXIT
  5. The EU Structural and Investment Funds

2- EU Institutions:

  1. European Council
  2. European Commission
  3. European Parliament
  4. EIB
  5. European Economic and Social Committee
  6. Decentralized EU Agencies
  7. Court of Auditors
  8. Court of Justice
  9. European Committee of the Regions

Course European Union and Institutions

European Single Market

Course European Single Market

Foreign Trade and Business in the EU Countries

Module - Business in the markets of the EU (37 ECTS).

Note: the student can select any combination of the countries of the EU

1. Economic Profile of the EU member states (PDF).

2. The five largest economies of the EU

  1. Germany: the leading European economy and the political leader of the EU
  2. France: the third European economy, the importance of the Francophonie
  3. Italy: the fourth largest EU economy
  4. Spain: the fifth European economy, a gateway to Latin America (Iberian America)

3. EU Scandinavian countries:

  1. Sweden: a service economy based on the technological innovation
  2. Finland: one of the highest welfare system in the world

4. Other continental Countries of the EU

  1. Austria: one of the richest nations in the world
  2. Belgium: Brussels, the political centre of the EU
  3. Denmark: one of the least corrupt countries
  4. Netherlands: the Port of Rotterdam, the largest in the EU
  5. Luxembourg: one of the main financial centers in Europe

5. The case of Portugal: a service-oriented economy, the connection with the Lusophony.

6. The case of Greece: the country with the largest merchant marine in the world

7. EU Island countries:

  1. Ireland: the Celtic Tiger
  2. Cyprus: the world's fourth largest ocean fleet
  3. Malta: a strategic position between Europe and the MENA Region (North of Africa, Middle East)

8. Countries of the EU that belonged to the former Soviet Union

  1. Bulgaria: an economy based on the metallurgy
  2. Slovakia: an automotive economic power
  3. Hungary: the largest mobile phone producer in the EU
  4. Czech Republic: a highly exporting Central European country
  5. Poland: the largest market in Central Europe
  6. Romania: one of the largest agricultural products exporter of the EU

9. Countries of the EU of the former Yugoslavia:

  1. Croatia: the last country to join the EU
  2. Slovenia: a winter sports goods exporter

10. The Baltic Tigers of the EU

  1. Estonia: the most digital country of the EU
  2. Latvia: a high human development country
  3. Lithuania: one of the countries of the EU with the largest economic growth

11. United Kingdom: How will the BREXIT affect the second EU economy?

EU International Relations

Module - International Economic Relations of the EU (PDF) (16 ECTS).

1- EU Foreign Policy

  1. European foreign policy
  2. European External Action Service
  3. EU Enlargement
  4. Neighbourhood Policy
  5. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
  6. Eastern Partnership
  7. EU-South Caucasus
  8. EU-Western Balkans
  9. Black Sea Synergy
  10. Generalized System of Preferences (EU GSP)
  11. Foreign Trade of the European Union
  12. ...

2- EU Trade Agreements.

  1. The EU Strategic Partners: United States, Canada, India, China, Korea
  2. Agreements with Africa: EU-Africa Strategic Partnership, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Agadir Agreement.
  3. Agreements with America: Central America, Chile, MERCOSUR, Mexico, Andean Countries, CARIFORUM
  4. Agreements with the Arab Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Gulf Cooperation Council.
  5. Agreements with Asia: the ASEAN, Singapore, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Papua...
  6. Agreements with Europe: EFTA, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey (Customs Union)..

Foreign Policy of the EU: 19% of the world trade. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)...

European Union: Association and Trade Agreements with the third countries

Foreign Trade and Business in Russia

Module - Business in Russia (PDF) (12 ECTS)

  1. The Russian Federation
  2. Russian economy
  3. Investment in Russia
  4. Russian payment system
  5. Ports of Russia
  6. Analysis of the Russian companies and entrepreneurs: Vladimir Potanin, Elena Baturina, Alexander Lebedev

International Relations of Russia

  1. Belarus-Russia (Union State)
  2. Eurasian Economic Union
  3. APEC
  4. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
  5. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  6. EU-Russia
  7. Andean Community- Russia
  8. Africa-BRICS Countries (Russia is a member of the BRICS)
  9. Russia has Trade Agreements with Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine and New Zealand as well as a trade agreement with Cameroon
  10. Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Agreement
  11. Russia-Vietnam Customs Union
  12. ASEAN-Russia Business Forum

Doing Business in Russia

Foreign Trade and Business in CEFTA Countries

Business in the EFTA States (PDF) (9 ECTS).

  1. European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
  2. Iceland: post-crisis economic recovery
  3. Liechtenstein: a tax haven
  4. Norway: the third World oil exporter
  5. Switzerland: the second most competitive economy in the world
  6. European Economic Area with the EU
  7. EFTA Free Trade Agreements with Colombia, Chile, Mexico, India, Peru..

Foreign Trade and Business in the EFTA States

Foreign Trade and Business in CEFTA Countries

Module - Business in the CEFTA Countries (PDF) (9 ECTS).

  1. Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  2. Albania: the third world chrome producer
  3. Bosnia and Herzegovina: towards a market economy
  4. Kosovo
  5. Macedonia: an important economic growth
  6. Moldova: one of the poorest European Countries
  7. Montenegro: the importance of the aluminum
  8. Serbia: an emerging country in Central Europe
  9. Economic Relations of the countries of the Central European Free Trade Agreement with the EU
  10. Trade Agreements related to the EFTA Countries

Business CEFTA Countries

Foreign Trade and Business in the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey

Module - Business in the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey (PDF) (7 ECTS)

  1. Armenia: major economic reforms
  2. Azerbaijan: an economy based on the oil production
  3. Belarus: the strategic importance of the Union State with Russia
  4. Georgia: significant economic growth
  5. Ukraine: an emerging country, conflict with Russia
  6. Turkey: the Customs Union with the European Union. A key player in the region
  7. International Relations of the Eastern Europe Countries with the EU

Economic Organizations and trade agreements in the region:

  1. Trade Agreements of the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey
  2. Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
  3. Regional Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM)
  4. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
  5. Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
  6. Eurasian Economic Union
  7. Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States
  8. Council of the Baltic Sea States

Business in Eastern Europe, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine

To be admitted to the Doctorate, the students must have earned a Master's Degree.

  1. If you do not have a Master's Degree you can enroll in the Master in International Business. You will be exempt from the final Master's Thesis and you will be able to access the doctorate by going directly to the doctoral thesis preparation (you should not take the complement teachings of the doctorate)

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

You must send by e-mail a certified photocopy of your diploma of master. This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enroll.

African Students (Doctorate Business)

The students who pass the assessments and thesis will receive the Diploma of Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in European Business issued by EENI Global Business School.

The Diploma of Professional Doctorate is awarded after assessing:

  1. Level of participation of the Doctoral Student in the Doctoral Subjects
  2. Research Work
  3. Thesis Defense

Once defended and overcame the thesis, the Doctoral Student will receive its diploma.

EENI European Students
Online European Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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