EENI Global Business School

European Union-Turkey Customs Union

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Syllabus of the Subject

EU-Turkey Association Agreement and Customs Union

  1. Introduction to the Accession Partnership for Turkey (EU)
  2. EU-Turkey Association Agreement
  3. EU-Turkey Customs Union
  4. Foreign Trade between the EU and Turkey
  5. Pan-Euro-Mediterranean system of accumulation

Sample - EU-Turkey Customs Union
European Union-Turkey Customs Union

Online Student Master in International Business

The Subject “European Union-Turkey Customs Union” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish UE-Turquía Study Doctorate in International Business in French UE Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese União Aduaneira Turquia-UE.

Foreign Trade and Business in the Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey

EU International Relations

Since 1995, the European Union and Turkey are tied by a Customs Union Agreement.

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

The Customs Union between the EU and Turkey does not cover services, public procurement, and agriculture, to which a foreign trade concessions apply.

The objective of the EU and Turkey Customs Union is based on the status of the export products in a free circulation (limited to the industrial goods and processed agricultural export products).

The EU and Turkey Customs Union not cover:

  1. Agricultural commodities
  2. Coal and steel product

Turkey is a candidate nation for the EU membership since 1999.

Foreign Trade EU-Turkey.

  1. The EU ranks as number one in Turkish foreign trade, while Turkey ranks seventh in the top import and the fifth in export markets of the EU
  2. Top Turkish exports markets are the EU (56.4%) (4.4%), the U.S. (3.9%), Romania (3.4%), the United Arab Emirates (3%), and Iraq (2.6%)
  3. Top Turkish imports partners are the EU (40.8%), Russia (14%), China (7.9%), the U.S. (4.8%), Iran (3.9%), and Switzerland (3.1%)

Turkish Trade Agreements: EFTA, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Chile, Africa-Turkey, Turkic Council, TPS-OIC...

The EU-Turkey Customs Union belongs to:

  1. Islamic Civilization (Central Eurasian Economic Area)
  2. Western Civilization (European Economic Area)

Trans-European Transport Corridors

Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Transport Corridor (Lapis Lazuli)

Trans-Caspian Trade and Transit Corridor (China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan...)

  1. Afghanistan-Turkey Corridor
  2. Trans-Caspian Corridor
  3. Islamabad-Istanbul Corridor

Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul Rail and Road Corridor: Turkey, Iran and Pakistan

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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