EENI Global Business School

European External Action Service EU

Syllabus of the Subject

Diplomatic corps of the EU (European External Action Service)

  1. Introduction to the European External Action Service: the diplomatic corps of the European Union
  2. Objectives of the European External Action Service
  3. Introduction to the EU's Foreign and Security Policy
  4. Foreign policy of the EU in the world
  5. Foreign delegations and special representatives
  6. Special programs managed by the European External Action Service (EEAS)
  7. Closer relations with neighbors: the European Neighborhood Policy

The objectives of the subject “European External Action Service (EEAS)” are the following:

  1. To understand the key role of the European External Action Service as a diplomatic corps of the EU
  2. To know the EU Foreign Policy in the world
  3. To analyze the special programs managed by the European External Action Service

E-learning Course Master, International Business

The Subject “European External Action Service” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

EU International Relations

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior Study Doctorate in International Business in French Service européen pour l'action extérieure Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Serviço Europeu para a Ação Externa.

The European External Action Service (SEAE) of the EU was created in 2011 with the main objective of managing the EU's diplomatic relations with the third countries, in addition to managing the EU's security and foreign policy.

One of the goals of the European External Action Service is to increase the EU's influence around the world.

The EU's strategic partnerships with the third countries and the European Neighborhood Policy are also managed by the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Its head office is in Brussels (Belgium). The Chairman of the European External Action Service (EEAS) is the Vice-President of the European Commission

The European External Action Service is the EU's diplomatic service and has a number of delegations (offices) abroad. The five major departments of the European External Action Service cover different areas of the world: Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and Central Asia, the Greater Middle East and the Americas.

Currently, the EU has nine Special Representatives in different countries and regions of the world. The EU Special Representatives promote the EU policies and interests in regions and countries with problems and are actively involved in the efforts to consolidate the peace, stability and rule of law. The nine Special Representatives cover the following countries or regions: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central Asia, the Horn of Africa, Human Rights, Kosovo, the Middle East Peace Process, the Sahel and the South Caucasus, and Georgian crisis.

Some of the special programs managed by the European External Action Service (EEAS).

  1. Black Sea Synergy
  2. Eastern Partnership
  3. The EU Arctic Policy
  4. Dialogue facilitated by the EU: relations between Belgrade and Pristina
  5. European Economic Area (EEE)
  6. European Neighborhood Policy (PEV)
  7. The Middle East peace process
  8. Northern Dimension (joint policy between the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland)
  9. Sahel Region
  10. EU-Africa Strategic Partnership

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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