EENI Global Business School

Business in the Czech Republic, Prague

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Syllabus of the Subject

Czech Economy and Foreign Trade. Czech Republic, Brno (Business)

  1. Introduction to the Czech Republic (EU)
  2. Business in Prague and Brno
  3. Czech Economy
  4. Czech International Trade
  5. Investment in the Czech Republic
  6. Case Study: Skoda (automotive)
  7. Access to the Czech Market
  8. Business Plan for the Czech Republic

Baltic-Adriatic Transport Corridor (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Slovenia)

The objectives of the subject “International Trade and Business in the Czech Republic” are the following:

  1. To analyze the Czech economy and Czech Foreign Trade
  2. To identify business opportunities in the Czech Market
  3. To analyze the trade relations of the Czech Republic with the student's country
  4. To know the Trade Agreements of the Czech Republic as a member of the EU
  5. To develop a business plan for the Czech Market

E-learning Course Master, International Business

The Subject “Foreign Trade and Business in the Czech Republic” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

EU, Masters, International Business Trade Masters adapted to Czech Students.

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English + Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish República Checa Study Doctorate in International Business in French Rep. Tcheque Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese República Checa.

  1. Credits of the Subject “Doing Business in the Czech Republic”: 1 ECTS
  2. Duration: one week

Foreign Trade and Business in the EU Countries

International Trade and Business in the Czech Republic

Trans-European Transport Corridors

Transport Corridors related to the Czech Republic
  1. Baltic-Adriatic Corridor (Poland, Slovenia)
  2. Access to the:
    1. North Sea-Baltic Transport Corridor
    2. Pan-European Corridor II

EU International Relations

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Preferential Access and Trade Agreements of the Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic and the European Economic Area
  2. The EU
    1. European Single Market
    2. The EU Services Directive
    3. European Digital Single Market
    4. European Customs Union
    5. As a member of the EU, the Czech Republic is a beneficiary of the EU Trade Agreements with Lebanon, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia etc. besides the Customs Union with Turkey
  3. Central European Initiative
  4. Regional Cooperation Council
  5. Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (observer country)

European Single Market

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

  1. WTO
    1. GATS
    2. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary Measures
    3. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    4. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    5. Agreement on Safeguards
    6. Trade Facilitation Agreement
  2. Convention Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods
  3. CMR Convention
  4. WCO
    1. Kyoto Convention
  5. COTIF Convention
  6. BIC (Containers)
  7. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  8. IMO
    1. Convention for Safe Containers
    2. Istanbul Convention
  9. Customs Convention on Containers
  10. Hamburg Rules (Sea)
  11. CIM & CIT Rules (Rail)
  12. IRU
    1. TIR Convention
    2. Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport
  13. ICC
  14. Organization for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD)

The EU and Their Institutions

European Trade and Economic Organizations of the Czech Republic

  1. The EU
  2. OSCE
  3. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  4. UNECE
  5. Group of States of the European Council Convention against Corruption

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. Asia-Europe Meeting
  2. UN
  3. WB
  4. WTO
  5. IMF
  6. OECD
  7. CPLP (observer country)

  1. Czech Population: 10.52 million people
  2. Borders of the Czech Republic: Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland
  3. Capital of the Czech Republic: Prague
  4. Official Language: Czech
  5. Czech Area: 78,867 km²
  6. Government of the Czech Republic: Parliamentary representative democracy
  7. In 1993, the former State of Czechoslovakia was divided into two new countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Religion: Catholicism (Christianity).

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

The Czech Republic belongs to the Western-Christian Civilization (European Economic Area).

Czech Economy

  1. The Czech Republic is a highly developed economy
  2. Currency of the Czech Republic: Czech koruna
  3. The Czech Republic has significant mineral resources: coal, mercury, iron and zinc
  4. The main industries are machinery, metallurgy, chemical industry, automotive industry, glass and energy production
  5. The Czech Republic ranks 31st in the competitiveness ranking of the World Economic Forum
  6. The Czech Republic is a member of the EU since May 2004
  7. The Czech Republic produces world class beer (Pilsner)

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Czech Foreign Trade.

  1. The Czech Republic is highly exporting Economy
  2. Exports from the Czech Republic are mainly oriented towards the EU (86.3%). The Czech manufacturers export primarily to Germany (37%)
  3. The Czech Republic exports 2.1% to other European transition economies
  4. 71.4% of the Czech imports come from the countries of the EU
  5. Most of the Czech imports come from Germany (32.6%)
  6. The main trading partners are Germany, Slovakia, Russia, Italy, Austria and Poland

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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