EENI Global Business School

Business in Croatia, Zagreb. Croatian Economy

Foreign Trade of Croatia, Logistics, Zagreb. Access to the Croatian Market

  1. Introduction to the Republic of Croatia (EU)
  2. Croatian Economy
  3. Foreign Trade of Croatia
  4. Transport and Logistics
    1. Access to the Baltic-Adriatic Transport Corridor
  5. Business in Zagreb
  6. Case Study:
    1. Agrokor Group
    2. Duro Dakovic Holding
  7. Access to the Croatian Market
  8. Business Plan for Croatia

The objectives of the subject “Foreign Trade, Logistics and Business in Croatia” are:

  1. To analyze the Croatian Economy, Logistics and Global Trade
  2. To identify business opportunities in Croatia
  3. To explore the Croatian trade relations with the student's country
  4. To know the Croatian free trade agreements (as a member of the EU)
  5. To develop a business plan for the Croatian market
  6. To analyze the profile of the Croatian companies

E-learning Course Master, International Business

The Subject “Foreign Trade, Logistics and Business in Croatia” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Majstor u međunarodnom poslovanju (Croatian Students).

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Croacia Study Doctorate in International Business in French Croatie.

  1. Credits of the Subject “Business, Trade and Transport in Croatia”: 1 ECTS Credits

Foreign Trade and Business in the EU Countries

International Trade, Logistics and Business in Croatia.

EU International Relations

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Croatian trade agreements:

  1. Croatia and the European Economic Area
  2. European Union
    1. As a member of the EU, Croatia is a beneficiary of the EU Trade Agreements with Algeria, Ivory Coast, South Africa, South Korea, India, Mexico, MERCOSUR, Moldova, Georgia etc. besides the Customs Union with Turkey
    2. European Single Market
    3. The EU Services Directive
    4. European Digital Single Market
    5. European Customs Union
  3. Central European Initiative
  4. Adriatic-Ionian Initiative
  5. Regional Cooperation Council
  6. Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (observer country)

The EU and Their Institutions

European Single Market

Trade Facilitation Programs. TFA Agreement

  1. World Trade Organization (WTO)
    1. Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
    2. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary Measures
    3. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
    4. Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
    5. Agreement on Safeguards
    6. Trade Facilitation Agreement
  2. World Customs Organization (WCO)
    1. Kyoto Convention
  3. COTIF Convention (Rail)
  4. BIC (Containers)
  5. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  6. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
    1. Convention for Safe Containers
    2. Istanbul Convention
  7. Customs Convention on Containers - not a member
  8. Convention Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods
  9. CIM & CIT Rules (Rail Transport)
  10. International Road Transport Union (IRU)
    1. TIR Convention
    2. Guidelines on Safe Load Securing for Road Transport

EU International Relations

  1. Economic Commission for Europe
  2. European Union
    1. European Central Bank
    2. European Investment Bank
    3. EBRD
    4. EU-CELAC Summit

Croatia was a member of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).

Globalization and International Organizations

  1. Asia-Europe Meeting
  2. United Nations
  3. World Bank
  4. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  5. International Monetary Fund

  1. Croatian borders: Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro
  2. Official language of Croatia: Croatian
  3. Capital of Croatia: Zagreb
  4. Population of Croatia: 4.3 million people
  5. Currency of Croatia: Kuna (HRK)

Religion in Croatia: Christianity (Catholicism: 3.6 million).

Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)

Croatia belongs to the European Economic Area of Western Civilization.

Foreign Trade (Importing, Exporting)

Croatian Economy.

  1. The Republic of Croatia belongs to the group of nations with a small and open economies, which are mostly connected to other international markets
  2. GDP per capita of the Republic of Croatia: 15,632 USD (Source: Central Office of statistics)
  3. Croatia is the last member to join the EU
  4. Key economic sectors in Croatia: agriculture, wood processing, agribusiness, textile, petroleum, metal and chemical, electrical, construction, international trade, shipbuilding, marine engineering, and tourism
  5. The Republic of Croatia has taken many tangible measures such as modifications and optimizations to existing laws and rectifications to existing procedures to align them with the EU laws and regulations and to facilitate the economic and international trade activities
  6. Foreign direct investment (FDI)  is vital for the restructuration and modernization of the economy of the Republic of Croatia

The Agrokor Group is the largest private company in Croatia and one of the leading regional companies employing 33,000 people. The Agrokor Group's core businesses are food and drinks production and distribution.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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