EENI Global Business School

European Single Market (Free movement)

Syllabus of the Subject

Free movement of people, services, capitals and goods (European Single Market)

  1. Introduction to the Single Market of the EU
  2. General principles of the European Single Market
  3. Role of the European Parliament in the single market realization
  4. Free movement of goods
  5. Free movement of workers
  6. Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services
  7. Mutual recognition of diplomas
  8. Free movement of capital
  9. Competition policy and the European Single Market
  10. Study cases:
    1. Google's Dominant position according to the EU
    2. Orange acquisition of Jazztel
  11. Public procurement
  12. Company law
  13. Intellectual, industrial and commercial property
  14. Consumer Protection. The new EU Consumer Policy
  15. European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS). Financial services
  16. INTRASTAT system: external trade statistics between the countries of the EU

Sample - European Single Market (EU):
European Union Single Market. Free movement of people, services, capitals and goods

The objectives of the subject “European Single Market (EU)” are the following:

  1. To understand the functioning of the European Single Market (EU)
  2. To analyze the principles of free movement of people, services, capitals and goods within the European Single Market
  3. To understand the Competition Policy within the single market

E-learning Course Master, International Business

One of the greatest achievements of the EU has been the completion of the single market. In the European Single Market (EU) there are no internal borders and therefore applies the principle of free movement of people, services, capital and goods.

The creation of the European Single Market has entailed profound structural changes in the economies of the EU member states: monopolies and Technical Barriers to Trade elimination, Market liberalization... The EU has issued a number of rules that the member countries have had to incorporate into their native legislation.

  1. The European Single Market has eliminated the customs duties and quantitative restrictions
  2. The EU single market has allowed in 10 years that the EU-trade increase by 15% annually
  3. Thanks to the European Single Market, 2.5 million jobs have been created
  4. The EU estimates that if the existing barriers to the single market were removed, the GDP of the twenty-eight-member would increase by 235 billion euros
  5. The completion of the single market has not yet been achieved. The Europe 2020 strategy is key to the European Single Market development

All the countries of the EU are members of the European Single Market (EU).

European Digital Single Market. Facilitating the on-line access to services and products across the European Union

Google's dominant position and the European Union

Trans-European Transport Corridors

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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