EENI Global Business School

Protestants and Business, Ethics (Five Solas)

Protestantism (Christianity): Ethical Principles. Quakers, Pentecostals

Protestants and Business Calvinists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals

The Subject “Protestantism, Ethics and Business” (Christianity) consists of four parts:

1- Introduction to Protestantism

  1. Foundations of Protestantism: the justification by faith
  2. Principles of the Protestant Reformation: The “Five Solas”
  3. The figure of Luther
  4. Ethical Principles of Protestants
  5. Protestant Work Ethic
  6. Protestantism in the World
  7. Protestantism as one of the pillars of Western Civilization (Europe-America)

2- Major Protestant Churches:

  1. Quakers
  2. Calvinists
  3. Presbyterians
  4. Methodists
  5. Baptists
  6. Pentecostals

3- Protestant Businesspeople

  1. Pentecostals: Howard Ahmanson, Steve Strang, and Cyril Ramaphosa
  2. Baptists: S. Truett Cathy
  3. Methodists: Ray L. Hunt
  4. Presbyterians: Philip Anschutz

4- Protestant Personalities and Spiritual Leaders.

  1. Albert Schweitzer
  2. Martin Luther King
  3. H.E. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
  4. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
  5. Henry David Thoreau

The objectives of the subject “Protestants, Ethics and Business” are the following:

  1. To know the pillars of Protestantism
  2. To understand the Ethical Principles of Protestants
  3. To learn about the influence of Protestantism on business
  4. To analyze the figures of Protestant Entrepreneurs and Personalities
  5. To know the presence of Protestants in the world
  6. To explore the role of Protestantism on Western Civilization

Online Student (Master International Business Foreign Trade)

In 1054 there was the first great schism between Orthodox Christianity (Eastern) and Catholic (West). In the sixteenth century, the other main division occurs: Protestantism.

Besides the religious cause; we must also take into account the economic, political, or social factors for understanding this schism.

Protestantism includes a large number of Churches (Calvinists, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals) that refuse the Papal authority; they accept the principles of the Reform (“Righteousness by faith”), the possibility that any believer can be a priest, and above all the Bible as the authority and source of truth (Sola scriptura).

Of the 2,100 million Christians, there are about 800 million Protestants in the World.

When analysing the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism the student can be surprising, since ultimately the fundamental differences are not of confessional type, but rather on the importance that each of these Protestant churches gives to certain concepts.

The “Five Solas” synthesize the principles of this reform movement.

  1. Sola Scriptura (“by Scripture alone”)
  2. Sola Fide (“by faith alone”)
  3. Sola Gratia (“by grace alone”)
  4. Solo Christo (“Christ alone” or “through Christ alone”)
  5. Soli Deo Gloria (“Glory to God alone”)
Major Protestant Churches

People (1)

85 (2)
Germany, Scandinavia
The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States, South Korea, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa
The United Kingdom, the United States, and Sub-Saharan Africa
The United States (Majority of Protestants) and Latin America.
The United States, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Korea.
The United Kingdom
The United States

(1) million people
(2) 50 million Presbyterians, 30 million Congregational, and 5 million reformed
(3) Some Mormons are considered Protestants and others not.

H.E. PhD Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (Chairperson of the African Union) is Protestant.

Protestants, Ethics and Business
Presbyterianism, Ethics, Business, Protestantism, Calvinist

Religions and Ethics: Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism.

Religions, Ethics, and Global Business

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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