EENI Global Business School

Master in Business in Africa

Professional Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa (Online, Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English, 60 / 120 ECTS)

The Master of Science (MSc) in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa (English, e-learning) taught by EENI Global Business School is designed to offer a global and practical vision on the African Markets: Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana, Liberia, Burundi, Djibouti, Madagascar, Namibia, Congo, Chad, Angola...

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Online Master of Science in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa

Some of the analyzed subjects in the Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa are: how to do business in the African markets, FDI flows, importing, exporting, African regional integration and institutions (African Union, AUDA-NEPAD, ECOWAS, SADC, COMESA, IGAD...), African Economy, logistics in Africa...

Professional Master intended for all those wanting to specialize in the international business with the African Countries.

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

African Students (Masters, Courses, Foreign Trade, Business)

Customised Master in International Business, Online

Paths, Diploma and Tuition Fees of the Master.

The Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa allows the student to select three paths of different duration, content (subjects), tuition fees, and diploma issued, in order to fit the Master's Program to the student needs and schedule.

  1. Credits, Fees and Duration: (17 € / ECTS Credits)
    1. Master 1: 60 ECTS (
      1-year It is recommended to dedicate about twelve hours of study per week following a flexible schedule. It is possible to reduce the duration dedicating more hours a week
      ) / € 1,000 Euros
    2. Master 2: 120 ECTS (2 years) / € 2,000 Euros
    3. Customized Master
    4. Financing
  2. Open Online Enrollment
  3. Download the Admission Form
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  5. Download the Brochure of the Master (PDF)

Language of the Master: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. Also
    available in For improving the international communication skills, the student has free access to the learning materials in these languages (free multilingual training). The student can review the subjects in whatever language and use one of the four languages as a vehicular language of the campus and to complete the exercises. The student can do the exercises, thesis or communicate with professors in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.
    Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master en Affaires en Afrique Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mestrado em Negócios na África Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Máster en Negocios en África

The graduate students in this Master (120 ECTS) can Enroll directly in the Doctorate in African Business. Moreover, they only need to complete the research methodology module, Thesis, and other modules are not studied in this Master. In this case, the total amount of the doctorate will be € 2,000.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

A Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa that fits your schedule and helps you to get a better job.

The Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa consists of nine modules:

  1. African institutions are leading the African Socio-economic Transformation: African Union, AUDA-NEPAD, Economic Commission for Africa, African Development Bank, Agenda 2063 (PDF) (structure) (5 ECTS)
  2. African Economy: Economic Outlook, African Businessman, Governance in Africa, Frontier Markets in Africa (PDF) (structure) (5 ECTS)
  3. African Economic Areas (6 ECTS)
  4. Business in Southern Africa (PDF) (structure) (10 ECTS)
  5. Business in East Africa (PDF) (structure) (34 ECTS)
  6. Business in Central Africa (PDF) (structure) (18 ECTS)
  7. Business in West Africa (PDF) (structure) (29 ECTS)
  8. Optional Subject: the student has to select 3 ECTS of the module: Transport and Logistics in Africa (PDF) (structure) (10 ECTS)
  9. Thesis (10 ECTS)

Master in International Business in Burkina Faso (EENI)
Master of Science in International Business (Burkina Faso)

Distribution of the Master (semesters and subjects).

Modules and subjects of the Master in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa

African Institutions (AU, AFDB, AUDA-NEPAD, UNECA)

African Economic Transformation (Course, Master, Doctorate) African Mining Vision. Industrial Sector

African Business and Economy

African Business Economy (Master/ Course)

African Economic Transformation

Foreign Trade and Business in Southern Africa. Online Diploma, Master, Doctorate

Module - Business in Southern Africa (10 ECTS).

Doing Business in...

  1. Botswana: Diamonds (33% of the GDP)
  2. Lesotho: The Switzerland of Africa
  3. Namibia: a diamonds, minerals, and meat exporter
  4. South Africa: The second-largest African Economy
  5. Eswatini: the importance of the mining sector (Diamond, coal, gold)
  6. Zambia: The largest African copper and cobalt exporter
  7. Zimbabwe: a copper, nickel, and gold exporter

Economic Integration in Southern Africa:

Southern Africa Integration

  1. Southern African Development Community (SADC)
  2. Southern African Customs Union (SACU)

Largest Southern African Ports.

Download the syllabus “Southern Africa” (PDF).

Master / Course: Business in Southern Africa

Foreign Trade and Business in East Africa

Module 5- Business in East Africa (34 ECTS).

East African Markets:

  1. Djibouti: Strategic location in the Horn of Africa. Access to the Ethiopian Market. Economic growth based on the logistics and telecommunications
  2. Egypt: Strategic location (Africa, Middle East). An Arab or African Country?
  3. Ethiopia: an African frontier market. 90 million Ethiopians. Headquarters of the African Union (AU)
  4. Kenya: an African frontier market and one of the drivers of the African economic growth
  5. Malawi: landlocked market - access via the Port of Maputo
  6. Mozambique: one of the most dynamic African economies
  7. Somalia
  8. Sudan: rich in natural resources. The largest African nation
  9. South Sudan - Petroleum sector: 60% of the GDP. The newest country in the world (Sudanese Independence in 2011)
  10. State of Eritrea: a textiles and clothing exporter. A country based on a subsistence agriculture
  11. Tanzania: a gold, coffee, and cotton exporter. One of the fastest growing African frontier markets
  12. Uganda: one of the fastest-growing frontier markets in Africa

East African island countries:

  1. Comoros - Vanilla: 75% of the Comorian exports
  2. Madagascar: 50% of the vanilla global market
  3. Mauritius: one of the fastest growing African economies. The second African financial centre, leader in ease of doing business and governance
  4. Seychelles: one of the less African corrupt countries. The first African Country by HDI

East African Economic Integration

East African Economic Integration

  1. East African Community (EAC)
  2. Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
  3. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
  4. COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Agreement
  5. IORA
  6. Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
  7. Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
  8. Economic Community of the Great Lakes Region (CEPGL)
  9. ...

Members COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite

Largest East African Ports.

Download the syllabus: “East Africa” (PDF).

Master East Africa

Online Diploma: Business in Central Africa

Module - Business in Central Africa (18 ECTS).

Doing Business in...

  1. Angola: The largest Central African Market and the second-largest African oil exporter
  2. Burundi: a copper, timber, and coffee exporter
  3. Cameroon: 40% of the CEMAC GDP
  4. Central African Republic: a country in economic transition
  5. Chad: access through the port of Douala. A new African oil exporter
  6. Republic of the Congo: an emerging country in 2025 (Government vision)
  7. DR Congo: Mining and petroleum (75% of the total export). 99 million people in 2025
  8. Equatorial Guinea: One of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Oil sector. The richest African country per inhabitant
  9. Gabon: petroleum, timber and manganese. A strategic location in Central Africa
  10. Rwanda: landlocked poor rural country. The most densely populated nation in Africa
  11. São Tomé: a cocoa exporter. An excellent tourist destination

Largest Ports in Central Africa.

Central African Economic Integration

  1. Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC)
  2. Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)
  3. CEN-SAD
  4. ...

Central Africa Integration

Download the syllabus of the Course “Business in Central Africa” (PDF).

Business in Central Africa: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad...

Foreign Trade and Business in West Africa

Module 7- Business in West Africa (33 ECTS)

Doing Business in...

  1. Benin: an economy based on the informal sector
  2. Burkina Faso: one of the African Markets that have implemented more reforms
  3. Cape Verde: one of the fastest growing tourism sector in the World
  4. Gambia: a country oriented to the agricultural export products
  5. Ghana: The centre for the foreign direct investment in West Africa. The second gold producer in Africa. An African frontier market
  6. Guinea: huge bauxite and iron deposits
  7. Guinea-Bissau: one of the poorest economies in the World
  8. Ivory Coast: The first world cocoa producer. Frontier Market. The African Development Bank Headquarters
  9. Liberia: The leading maritime African country
  10. Mali: The third gold producer in Africa
  11. Niger: The fourth uranium exporter in the World
  12. Nigeria: The largest African economy. The first World's frontier market
  13. Senegal: gateway to the West African Markets. One of the least corrupt African Countries. Good business climate
  14. Sierra Leone: The fastest growing economy in the West African region
  15. Togo: Access to the West African landlocked countries (Port of Lomé)

West African Economic Integration

West African Economic Integration

  1. Economic Community of West African States
  2. West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
  3. West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
  4. OHADA
  5. G5-Sahel

Largest West African Ports.

Download the syllabus “West Africa” (PDF).

Master West Africa

Transport and Logistics in Africa. Corridors, ports

Transport and Logistics in Africa, Corridors, Maritime Ports

African Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

The student has to pass the online continuous assessment exercises for each subject as well as the final online Master's Thesis. If the professor considers that the minimum level has not been reached, he will guide the student to improve the quality of his exercises or thesis and send them back.

The most important thing for EENI is that the student correctly learns the Master's subjects and objectives.

Once all the exercises and thesis have been approved, the student obtains the “Diploma of Professional Master of Science (MSc) in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa” issued by EENI Global Business School.

In this case, it will be necessary to send us by mail (not valid by email) a certified photocopy of your diploma of Bachelor's Degree. This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enroll.

Those students, who are not in possession of a Bachelor's Degree, may Enroll but will receive the “Advanced Certificate Program in Business in Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Paterson Ngatchou: EENI Global Business School Professor Video - Master in Business in Africa - Paterson Ngatchou.

Career opportunities related to the Master

This Master is the outcome of our EENI Ahimsa vision “Education for All” applied to Africa. EENI wishes to contribute to the sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Africa. Our experience of over ten years in Africa and the knowledge of the needs of the continent, especially in relation to the Intra-African Trade and business, has allowed us to design this master.

This master is designed especially taking into account the African Students and the African Diaspora needs. However, it is also open to any non-African Student who wishes to specialize in business in Africa.

EENI African Students:
Online African Students (Course, Master, Doctorate, International Business, Foreign Trade)