Port of Walvis Bay, Namibia, LüderitzNamibian Corridors, Port of Walvis Bay: access to Botswana, Zambia
Port of Walvis Bay (Namibia) The Subject “Port of Walvis Bay (Namibia)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Logistics Courses: Transport and Logistics in Africa, Maritime Transport. Course: Business in Southern Africa. Masters: Transport in Africa, Business in Africa. Doctorate in African Business, Global Logistics. Masters adapted to Languages: The largest ports of Namibia are:
Main body: National Port Authority. Port of Walvis Bay
Port of Lüderitz
Walvis Bay Corridor
Trans-Orange Corridor
Trans-Kalahari Corridor (1,900 kilometers).
Trans-Caprivi Corridor (2,500 kilometers).
Trans-Cunene Corridor (1,600 kilometers). More information about Namibia (EENI African Business Portal). The Port of Walvis Bay belongs to the Southern African Economic Area. Trans-African Highway: Tripoli-Windhoek Logistics Corridor. African Regional Economic Communities: (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |