The Indonesian island of Bali has a Hindu majority (93%, 4.2 million Indonesians). However, this analysis does not include Indonesia (included in the Islamic Civilization)
India, a continent by itself, is logically the Central State of the Hindu Civilization. India is also a BRICS Country and the largest democracy in the World (1,210 million people).
The Hindu Civilization has a vital strategic location bordering several civilizations:
Islamic, Buddhist, Sinic, and the African Civilization (thanks to Mauritius).
To define the Hindu Civilization, we will consider two factors: religious and historical. The current Hindu Civilization can be regarded as the subsidiary of the ancient Indian (Indo) civilization (almost 3,000 years old).
India is the cradle of four religions: Sikhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism,
sharing many values such as Ahimsa (Non-Violence),
respect for the animals and respect for the other religions. All these faiths define the Hindu Civilization.
Sri Ramakrishna
It is also necessary to consider the importance of Islam and Christianity in India.
Approximately 960 million of the Indian people follow Hinduism (80% of the Indian Population), making it the third religion in the World by the number of believers (behind Christianity and Islam, and ahead of Buddhism and Sikhism).
Hinduism is the main religion in twenty-seven States of India.
About 13% of the Indian Population is Muslim (172 million of Indian Muslims) and is, therefore, the second religion in India by the number of followers.
There are Muslim majorities in Lakshadweep, Jammu and Kashmir and is also vital in Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bihar. Almost all Indians are Barelvi (Sunni Hanafi school).
The Indian Muslims control big business like Wipro or CIPLA laboratories.
When India gained the independence from the British Empire, lost two important regions: Pakistan and Bangladesh, which joined the Islamic Civilization.
Christianity in India.
2% of the Indian Population is Christian (24 million people).
Sikhism represents 1.9% of the Indian Population, especially in Punjab.
The recognized moral rectitude of the Sikhs promotes the access to relevant executive positions worldwide (Rothchild or Mastercard).
Many Hindus recognise to Sikhism as the “armed wing” of Hinduism. Approximately, there are twenty-six million Sikhs worldwide.
Although was originally from Persia (Iran), Parsees have played a major role in the Hindu Civilization. Zoroastrians are a vital business community in India, the TATA group or the Businessman Cyrus Poonawalla are Zoroastrian.
Although Buddhism was born in India, today just 0.77% of the Indian Population practices Buddhism. However, it is necessary to note that for many Indian, Buddhism is part of Hinduism and recognizes Buddha as a divine incarnation.
Jainism is just barely practiced by 0.41% of the Indian population (between 5 and 6 million of Jains in India). Despite being a slight community, influential businesspeople are Jain, such as Indu Jain who controls the newsgroup Times and Bennett, Coleman Co.
Diaspora of the Hindu Civilization.
It is necessary to consider the Hindu Diaspora because they are important players in the business community in many countries.
Furthermore, the following countries, where Hindus often have excellent business relations, must be taken into account:
There are some countries where Hinduism is the second religion: Fiji (28% of the population, 3.9 million people), Guyana (23%), Suriname (20%), Trinidad and Tobago (18%), Sri Lanka (15%), Pakistan (1%, 3.6 million), and Bangladesh (9%, some 15 million Bangladeshis are Hindus)
In Singapore, 6% of the population is Hindu
Influence of the Hindu population in East Africa, especially in Kenya (1% of the population), Tanzania, and Uganda. However, these countries belong to the African Civilization
The following countries have small Hindu communities: Australia (2%), Saudi Arabia (1%), Burma (1.5%), the United States (0.5%), Canada (1.6%), Qatar (7%), the Seychelles (2%), Reunion (7%) Malaysia (6%), Bahrain (6%), Kuwait (12%), the UK (2%), South Africa (2%), the UAE (11%), Belize (2%), Oman (4%), New Zealand (2%), and the Philippines (1%)
The Sikh Diaspora is important in Canada (1.4% of the population), the UK (0.8%) and the United States (0.08).
The Zoroastrian Diaspora is found mainly in Pakistan.
They are Jain small communities in Belgium, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the United States.