Ahimsa Principle of Non-Violence and BusinessAhimsa (Non-Violence): do not lie, honesty (customers, partners, employers)
The Subject “Principle of Ahimsa - Non-Violence” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Course: Indian Religions and Business. Doctorate: Ethics, Religion & Business, World Trade. Masters: International Business, Religions & Business. Languages: or Ahimsa (no violencia) Ahimsa (non-violence) Ahimsa Não-Violência. The Principle of Ahimsa (Non-Violence) in business. The Principle of Ahimsa - Non-Violence is one of the pillars of the Global Ethics. The principle of Ahimsa (Non-Violence) is perhaps one of the most powerful and beautiful principles of humanity. Moreover, it is one of the principles of the global ethics. “The life of Ramakrishna has been a lesson of Ahimsa (Non-Violence). Their love knew no boundaries, geographical or otherwise. May his divine love be an inspiration to all.” Mahatma Gandhi. Note. The open hand used in “EENI Ahimsa Vision,” represents the “Ahimsa” Jain symbol, we have incorporated it with all due respect and honor to Jainism, one of the religions that surely has more developed the concept of the Non-Violence. If we apply the Ahimsa vision to the main Zoroastrian principle; we obtain: Non-Violence in thoughts, in words, in actions. This broad vision of Ahimsa is EENI guiding principle Ahimsa must understand as a broad concept; Ahimsa is not only a physical violence. Ahimsa is a progressive attitude, not passive. Ahimsa is also: Do not lie, Honesty (customers, partners, employees), Self-control, Veracity, Integrity, Respect for All Life, Justice, No to Corruption, Social Responsibility, Philanthropy, Equality between men and women, Respect the Earth, Animals, and Plants. Ahimsa is rights and duties. “If you remain neutral when the injustice reigns, your way is that of oppressor” Desmond Tutu. Ahimsa is not lying; it is honesty with our customers, partners, and employees. Ahimsa concept has his roots in Hinduism. “Ahimsa, non-violence, comes from the strength, and the strength comes from God, not from man. Ahimsa always comes from within.” Gandhi All the religions share the principle of Non-Violence. Maybe Jainism has developed this concept more than the others religions. Quakers played a major role in the abolition of the slavery. “In my heart, I carry hopefully that I can somehow be able to contribute to the world peace.” Albert Schweitzer. Dalai Lama and Aung San Suu Kyi, both Buddhists, are today considered a world leaders for peace. “All beings want their happiness. He who seeking his happiness does not hurt with violence; he will achieve the happiness after the death.” Udana II-III/Buddha. “My teaching is similar to other. The strong do not die of natural causes; this will be the starting point of my doctrine” TAO TE KING XLII “Through the violence, you may kill the imposter, but you cannot kill the lie, nor establish the truth. Hate cannot hide the hate: only love can do this” Martin Luther King. If we explore the Ahimsa principle applying Zoroastrian principles (Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds): A) Ahimsa should arise in our thoughts: Results: Self-control, veracity, honesty, integrity, non-greed, respect. Any “thinking part” of the company should practice Ahimsa. Moreover, should propagate this concept in all directions (suppliers, customers, employees) For example:
b) Our words should be Ahimsa Results: Not to lie, not to slander, and no false oath. Application of the Ahimsa principle in words expressing “Ahimsa thoughts of the company.”
c) Our deeds should be Ahimsa: Results: Not physical violence, not to kill, not physical abuse, respect for the environment, charity, and philanthropy. “Every form of violence or force in pursuit of the economic goals should be rejected (Slave labour, compulsory labour, child labour, corporal punishment)” Global Ethics Declaration. Ahimsa is respect for all life: humans, animals, plants, environment.
If we explore the Ahimsa principle applying a Jainism vision (“not to kill any living being”), we can extend the Ahimsa principle to the animals, plants, and our earth. Ahimsa is also equality between men and women. Tawakkol Karma - Nobel Peace Prize (Yemen). Ahimsa is also justice and the rule of law
“My goal is to create a more peaceful and stable world for the future generations” Mohamed Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia, Muslim) Ahimsa is also No to Corruption and dishonest practices.
Ahimsa is also a social responsibility - Philanthropy. “The charity practiced as a duty; without expecting any reward, in the appropriate place and time and person who needs; it is said to be satwwica” Guita XVII-20 Ahimsa is also the Golden Rule -The “Ethic of reciprocity.” Virtually all the higher Religions of the World have a version of the golden rule. Moreover, is the cornerstone of the Confucian ethics. In the Analects is cited three times: “Benevolence. Is not to do to others what you would not want to be done to yourself” Analects XII-1 Other versions of the Golden Rule.
“The golden rule of Domino Pizza is to treat others as you want to be treated” Thomas Monaghan EENI Principle of Racial Harmony (James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey). (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |