Religions, Ethics and Global Business, HinduismEthical principles of religions. Influence on business (Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity)84% of humanity (6,000 million people) claims to belong to any religion. How does religion influence on the international marketing and global business?
Related Doctorate and Masters taught by EENI Global Business School. Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & International Business. The objectives of the module “Global Ethics, Religions, and International Business” are to:
“When the kindness declines “Everyone should follow his religion. A Christian should follow Christianity; a Muslim should follow Islam, and so on. For Hinduism, the old way, the way of the Aryan wises is the best.” Sri Ramakrishna. The Project “Religion, Ethics, and International Business” is led by Mr. Pedro Nonell, EEN Director. EENI Professors and students are also part of the project (EENI Commitment to Society). “Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? This project does not have a proselytizing vision, is not for convincing anyone that one religion is better or worse than another, but rather to identify the ethical values of each one. Of course, is aimed at both believers of any religion as atheists or agnostics. “Today there is no living being who know enough to say for sure if a religion has been more important than all others.” Arnold Toynbee Justification of the project “Religion, ethics, and international business” Languages: or Ética Negocios Éthique globale.
EENI Principle of Racial Harmony (James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey).
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |