Economic Integration in Hispanic America, MERCOSUR, Andean Community
Introduction to the Hispanic American Economic Area of the Western Civilization
Economic Profile of the Hispanic America Countries
Latin American Economic Integration Processes (Western Civilization, American, Economic Organizations, Trade Agreements)
Interactions with the other civilizations.Latin American Integration Association (LAIA)
Economic Integration in South America
The case of Chile
Andean Countries
The case of Mexico
Economic Integration in Central America
Other Economic Institutions and Trade Agreements related to the integration in Hispanic America (Iberian America)
Relations between Latin America and Europe, Asia, the Arab Countries, Africa
Sample - Christianity in America
The objectives of the subject “Hispanic American Economic Area”
are the following:
To define the characteristics of the Hispanic American Economic Area of Western Civilization
To analyze the influence of Christianity on the Hispanic American Economic Area
To know the economic profile of the Hispanic America Countries
To analyze the businesspeople profile in the Hispanic American Economic Area
To understand the economic integration process in Hispanic America (Western Civilization)
To know the economic relations with the other civilizations (Sinic, Hindu,
Islamic, African, Buddhist) and with the other areas of Western Civilization (Europe, Caribbean, U.S.)
To analyze the main Economic Organizations related to the Hispanic American Economic Area
The Subject “Hispanic American Economic Area (Western-Christian Civilization)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:
2- Processes of the Latin American Economic Integration of Western Civilization (Economic Organizations, Trade Agreements) and the interactions
with the other civilizations.
2.3- The Case of Chile (40% of the Chilean foreign trade is made with Asia).
Chilean integration and FTAs with the Western Civilization
Latin America: ALADI, MERCOSUR (associated), Andean Community (associated), Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Central America, and Panama. Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru)
Latin America:
FTA agreements with Panama, Central America and the Dominican Republic. Nicaragua and Costa Rica have a Free Trade Agreement with Mexico. Panama has a Trade Agreement with Chile. Andean Community-Panama
Northern Triangle countries Agreements (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras) with Mexico and Colombia
North America: CAFTA-DR agreement (United States-Central America-Dominican Republic), Honduras-Canada, Canada-Costa Rica, Panama-Canada, United States-Panama Agreement
The Hispanic America Countries seek to integrate their economies. Several integration projects are underway: UNASUR, ALADI, ALBA, MERCOSUR, and the Andean Community. Latin America seeks its identity based on a common history (former colonies), Language (Spanish and Portuguese), religious (Christianity), ethnic (although we should consider the existence of different ethnic groups).
Latin America differs from other areas of Western Civilization in several aspects: influence of the Amerindian religions, no influence of Protestant Reformation, the Hispanic America Countries were colonies rather than colonisers.
Christianity is the main religion of Latin America. Latin America has been eminently Catholic, but Protestantism is becoming increasingly important.
The Hispanic America Countries of the Pacific are increasingly turning to the Asia-Pacific region (Chile, Peru, and Mexico belong to the APEC).
Perhaps Mexico is an exception (member of the United StatesMCA/NAFTA 2.0). Surely, Brazil is becoming the Central State.
Several Latin American civilizations had arisen in pre-Columbian times. Arnold Toynbee identified four pre-Columbian civilizations: the Andean civilization (the Universal State was the Inca Empire, and Inca religion -Viracocha-), Maya (Mayan religions, polytheistic), Mexican and Yucatan (absorbed by the Mexican), none has survived. Although it should also be considered
Olmec civilization (Mexico).