Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement
The Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force in 2006.
The objectives of the Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement are to:
- Establish a free-trade area that will promote the market opportunities for the exports products, services, and foreign direct investment between Singapore and Panama
- Strengthen the relationships between Singapore and Panama
- Establish a cooperative framework
- liberalize and promote the foreign trade in products and services between Singapore and Panama and to set up a transparent, predictable and facilitative Foreign direct investment regime
- Improve the efficiency and competitiveness of their goods and services sectors and expand the international trade and foreign direct investment between Singapore and Panama
- Establish a framework of transparent rules to govern and regulate
the foreign trade and Foreign direct investment (FDI) between Singapore and Panama
- Maximize the opportunities for the cooperation between Singapore and Panama in logistics and services (telecommunication, maritime, banking)
The Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement covers:
- Market access for International trade in goods
- Cross-border Trade in Services
- Financial services
- Telecommunications
- E-commerce
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Competition
- Government Procurement
- Dispute Settlement
The Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement also has opened up Government procurement.
Chapters of the Singapore-Panama Free Trade Agreement.
- International Trade in goods
- Rules and certificate of origin
- Customs Procedures
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
- Competition Policy
- Government Procurement
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
- Cross-border Trade in Services
- Financial Services
- Telecommunications
- E-Commerce
- Transparency
- Dispute Settlement
- Strategic Partnership
Foreign Trade Singapore-Panama.
- The Republic of Panama is the largest trading partner of Singapore in Hispanic America (Iberian America)
- Foreign trade: SGD 4.3 billion (30% growth over the previous year)
Panama belongs to the Hispanic American Economic Area and Singapore to the Sinic Civilization.