Bolivia belongs to the Hispanic American Economic Area of Western Civilization.
Bolivian Economy.
According to the Central Bank of Bolivia, the balance of
payments showed a surplus of 325 million dollars
Bolivian GDP: 34,175 million dollars
In 2009, the Bolivian Government signed a debt cancellation with the Government of Spain
The Plurinational State of Bolivia has significant natural resources: mining and gas
Through the Bioceanic
Corridor, the Plurinational State of Bolivia has positioned itself as a regional distribution hub between the largest markets of the Pacific and the South Atlantic region of South America
Nationalizations have taken place since 2006 in the hydrocarbons, mining, and telecommunications sectors; business opportunities in these areas for the foreign direct investment have become more limited
FDI flows received in Bolivia were 687 million dollars, mainly in the hydrocarbons sector
Currency: Bolivian (BOB)
Entel holds a Leadership position in both fixed and mobile telephony, as in the various telecommunications value-added services
International Trade and Business in Bolivia:
International Trade of Bolivia:
Total Bolivian exports products reached 4.848 million dollars FOB (28%
of the Bolivian GDP)
Export flows were characterized by low levels (average of USD 1.919 million)
Total petrol exports were lower
Regarding the non-traditional exports, their value was higher by 1.4%
Non-traditional export products that showed increases in value were: soybean meal (52%), sugar (41%), soybean oil (31%), soya beans (23%), flour soy (20%), and coffee (5%)
Capital products imports stand for 28% of the total
The balance of payments of Bolivia recorded an extra of 325 million dollars (Central Bank of Bolivia)
Foreign Trade flows of Bolivia with the rest of the World (data in dollars).
Trade with the MERCOSUR fell to 708 million, mainly owing to lower natural gas exports to Brazil
With the Andean Community, there was an increase of positive balance of 158
million due primarily to the higher exports to Colombia and Ecuador
With the Central American Common Market - Central American Integration System (SICA), ran an international trade deficit of 0.2 million to an extra of 2.7 million
With the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA/NAFTA 2.0), the deficit augmented to 131 million due both to the decline in exports as the largest imports
With the EFTA augmented extra owing to augmented
to 6 million dollars extra with Switzerland
In Asia, the positive balance of 130 million mainly explained by the favorable balance with South Korea