EENI Global Business School

Doctorate in American Business, Online

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Hispanic American Economy, Brazil, Mexico (Doctorate in American Business) (e-learning, Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English)

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

The objectives of the Online Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in American Business (3 years, 180 ECTS) taught by EENI Global Business School are to train the doctoral student to be able to research on topics related to business in America:

Doctorate in American Business (Online)

Thus, a Doctoral Student can apply creative solutions and take the appropriated business decisions related to the American Markets.

  1. Intra-American Trade
  2. Hispanic American Economy
  3. Regional integration processes in Hispanic America (Iberian America)
  4. Transport and logistics in the Hispanic American Markets
  5. Business in the American Countries
  6. Trade agreements related to the American Markets
  7. American Economic Organizations
  8. Interconnections between the American Markets

Intended for graduates and professionals who wish to continue their professional career in the field of international business with an emphasis in America.

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

Continuing education (International Trade & Business)

  1. Tuition Fees: EUR 3,000
    1. Financing
  2. Duration: maximum of
    three calendar years Maximum of three calendar years since the formalization of the Enrollment up to the thesis deposit. If, after the three calendar years period the Doctoral Student has not deposited thesis, the Doctorate Programme Direction may authorise an extension of up to two years.
  3. Credits: 180 ECTS
  4. Open Online Enrollment
  5. Download the Admission Form
  6. Download the Brochure of the Doctorate (PDF)

The Doctorate is part of the category of the Professional Doctorate in International Business, which has the dual aim of contributing to the knowledge and practice.

A Doctorate in American Business that fits your schedule and helps you to get a better employment.

Language of the Doctorate: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English

  1. All the subjects offered are available in English and Spanish
  2. Approximately 40% of the subjects are also available in French and Portuguese
  3. The Doctoral Student can perform this doctorate entirely in English (or French, Spanish or Portuguese); the student should have a sufficient level to study the subjects in these languages

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Doctorado en Negocios en América Study Doctorate in International Business in French Doctorat en Affaires en Amérique Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Doutoramento em negócios na América.

Structure - Online Doctorate in Business

Structure of the Doctorate.

  1. Coursework. Study of the Subjects (minimum 20 ECTS, maximum 60 ECTS)
    1. Candidates who have completed the Master Business in America taught by EENI will be exempt from completing this training complement, validating all the doctorate subjects already studied in the Master, going directly to the research phase of the doctorate. In this case (Master 120 ECTS), the total amount of the doctorate will be € 2,000
  2. Research Work and Thesis Plan of the Doctorate (40 ECTS)
  3. Thesis and Thesis Defense (120 ECTS)

EENI provides a range of Related Subjects to America. The Doctoral Student can select the most suitable subjects depending on the thesis. The Doctoral Student selects the subjects once formalized the enrollment.

The Doctoral Students can choose the subjects from those offered by EENI with a minimum of 20 ECTS and a maximum of 60 ECTS.

To facilitate the subject selection, these are organized into several blocks:

  1. American Economic Area of Western Civilization
  2. Christianity and Businesses in America (PDF) (structure)
  3. Economic Institutions (PDF) (structure)
  4. Economy and Integration of Latin America (Iberian America)
  5. The U.S. (PDF) (structure) and Canada
  6. Mexico (PDF) (structure)
  7. Central America (PDF) (structure)
  8. Andean Countries (PDF) (structure)
  9. South America (PDF) (structure)
  10. Brazil (PDF) (structure)
  11. The Caribbean
  12. Logistics and transport (PDF) (structure)
  13. International Relations of the American Countries
  14. Business in America without corruption (PDF) (structure)

Please, see below for more information

  1. The Doctoral Student should select the most appropriate subjects for his thesis
  2. The Doctoral Student can use any possible subject combination
  3. Minimum ECTS to be selected is 20, maximum is 60

Module - American Economic Area of Western Civilization.

  1. The Americas
  2. Christianity in America
    Christianity and Global Business (Catholicism, Protestantism)
  3. The American Economic Area of the Western Civilization
    1. North American Economic Area (PDF)
    2. Hispanic American Economic Area (PDF)
    3. Caribbean Economic Area (PDF)
  4. Transatlantic Slave Trade and America
  5. African Diaspora in America

Latin American Economic Integration

Module - Economy and Integration in Hispanic America (12 ECTS).

The main objective is to provide an overview of the Hispanic American Economy, economic integration and institutions:

  1. Hispanic American Economy and Foreign Trade
  2. OAS
  3. Inter-American Development Bank
  5. Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
  6. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
  7. Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
  8. ALBA
  9. Pacific Alliance
  10. Mesoamerica Project
  11. CELAC

Download the syllabus “Economics and Latin American Integration” (PDF).

Market Access - Free Trade Agreements

Free Trade Agreements related to the American Markets.

International Relations:

  1. APEC
  2. Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
  3. PEEC
  4. Summit of South American-Arab Countries
  6. Africa-South America Summit

Latin American Economic Integration. Inter-American Development Bank, ECLAC, ALADI

Foreign Trade and Business in the U.S.

Module - Business in the U.S. and Canada

US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Doing Business in the U.S.: U.S. Economy, California, Florida, New York, Puerto Rico, U.S. Businessman, Free Trade Agreements.

  1. Download the syllabus “Business in the U.S.” (PDF)

Doing Business in Canada.

  1. Download the syllabus “Doing Business in Canada” (PDF)

Doing Business in the U.S.

Doing Business in Canada

Foreign Trade and Business in Mexico

Doing Business in Mexico

Foreign Trade and Business in Central America

Doing Business in Central America

Foreign Trade and Business in Central America

Doing Business in the Andean Countries

Foreign Trade and Business in South America

Module - Business in South America.

  1. Chile
    1. MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreements
  3. Argentina
  4. Paraguay
  5. Uruguay
  6. Venezuela
  7. Bolivia as a Associated State to the MERCOSUR
  8. Trade Agreements related to the South American Markets

Download the syllabus: “South America” (PDF).

Doing Business in South America

Foreign Trade and Business in Brazil

Doing Business in Brazil

Foreign Trade and Business in the Caribbean (CARICOM) and Cuba

No to Corruption in International Business (Course, Master, Doctorate)

No to Corruption in Business

To be admitted to the Doctorate in American Business, the students must have earned a Master's Degree.

  1. If you do not have a Master's Degree you can enroll in the Master in International Business. You will be exempt from the final Master's Thesis and you will be able to access the doctorate by going directly to the doctoral thesis preparation (you should not take the complement teachings of the doctorate)

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

You must send by e-mail a certified photocopy of your diploma of master. This is necessary for the issuance of your diploma and not to enroll.

African Students, Master International Business and Global Trade

The students who pass the assessments and thesis will receive the Diploma of Professional Doctorate in International Business (DIB) specialization in American Business issued by EENI Global Business School.

The Diploma of Professional Doctorate is awarded after assessing:

  1. Level of participation of the Doctoral Student in the Doctoral Subjects
  2. Research Work
  3. Thesis Defense

Once defended and overcame the thesis, the Doctoral Student will receive its diploma.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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