Mexico-MERCOSUR Economic Trade AgreementMERCOSUR-Mexico Economic Complementation Agreement Automotive
Sample - Mexico-MERCOSUR Economic Complementation Agreement (FTA) The Subject “Mexico-MERCOSUR Economic Complementation Agreement” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Master: International Business. Languages: MERCOSUR-México MERCOSUL Mexico MERCOSUR. The MERCOSUR-Mexico Economic Complementation Agreement (ACE No 54) establishes a legal framework for the international trade relations and sets the basis for a periodic negotiations towards a Free Trade Agreement. The Mexico-MERCOSUR Economic Complementation Agreement covers the negotiations between the MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay) and Mexico, including the Mexico-MERCOSUR Agreement on the automotive sector, as well as the bilateral negotiations between the individual MERCOSUR Countries and Mexico. The Economic Complementation Agreement came into force between Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, and Uruguay in 2006. Mexico and the MERCOSUR countries have two Economic Complementation Agreements:
Foreign Trade Mexico-MERCOSUR
The agreement between Mexico and the MERCOSUR belongs to the Hispanic American Economic Area. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |