EENI Global Business SchoolEENI (Spain) Private and Independent European Business School, Higher EducationEENI Global Business School is a private European higher education institution, focused on International Business (Online Courses, Master's Programs and Doctorate).
Online Courses, Masters and Doctorate EENI Headquarters: Calle Mallorca, 125, Entlo 2ª, 08036 Barcelona - Spain - European Union. Tel. (34) 656 83 21 47 A Private and Independent European Institution / Online Higher Education
Master in International Business (Burkina Faso) Why “Higher Education Institution of International Business”?
EENI Professors: EENI mission is to provide quality formation, which stands for a multilingual and intercultural development that promotes professionalism for its students as well as the efficiency and productivity of the enterprises in the international environment promoting the Ahimsa (Non-Violence) principle in international business. This mission is achieved through a close professor-student relationship. That is the reason why EENI has created the student's community website where counselling services and online orientation can be there everyday need, therefore, EENI compromise its staff worldwide to offer the best service to its alumni. EENI is looking to engage full-time in a better innovation. EENI encourages the search for an exhaustive and open democratic Globalization. 1- Higher education at affordable prices (Master and Doctorate in International Business). 2- Programme: “No to Corruption in International Business.” Values EENI Values based on Global Ethics.
EENI Principle of Racial Harmony. Our vision is to be the world leader in international business education.
Areas of Knowledge. Training offered by EENI:
Networking | History | Educational Partnerships. EENI is a certified member of the International Commission on Distance Learning (ECOSOC United Nations). EENI is a collaborator member of the Tripartite Foundation for On-the-job Training - European Social Fund.
EENI Global Business School collaborates with the most specialized scholars for the development of the courses and works with the most prestigious institutions in educational projects such as Universities, Chambers of Commerce, and Governments. EENI African Students: EENI - The Middle East and Maghreb Students: EENI European Students: EENI American Students: EENI Asian Students: The awards ceremony for the master taught in Extremadura (Spain) organized by the “Junta de Extremadura” (Local Government) and funded by the EU.
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |