EENI Global Business School

Globalization, Regionalization, WTO (Master)

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Global economy, World trade, Trade Agreements in Asia, Africa, Europe

Globalization and International Organizations

Study Methodology - EENI Global Business School.

The main subjects (learning units) of the “Globalization and Regionalization” Area of Knowledge are:

  1. Globalization
  2. United Nations
  4. ITC
  5. World Bank (WB)
  6. WTO
  7. International Monetary Fund
  8. OECD
  9. WIPO
  10. Transparency International

Students, Doctorate, Master in International Business, Foreign Trade

Online Courses, Masters and Doctorate related to the Globalization and Regionalization:

  1. Master in International Business Executive
  2. Master in Foreign Trade

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate in World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Globalización Study Doctorate in International Business in French Mondialization Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese (free multilingual training).

  1. Credits of the module “Globalization”: 6 ECTS Credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)
  2. Download the syllabus “Globalization” (PDF)
  3. Duration: 5 weeks
  4. Methodology: e-learning/Online

The objectives of the Area of Knowledge “Globalization and Regionalization” taught by EENI are the following:

  1. To understand the concept of globalization (or globalisation in American English) and its influence on international business
  2. To know the world's major economic institutions related to the Globalization
    1. United Nations
    2. UNCTAD
    3. International Trade Centre (ITC)
    4. WB
    5. WTO
    6. IMF
    7. OECD
    8. ...
  3. To learn about the regionalization in Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and the Middle East

In the last few years, the world Economy has gone through some major changes, the result of which has been the creation of a global market. With the establishment of the WTO, almost all the economies in the World are likely to establish a more and more interdependent relationships with each other.

Globalization means that the flows of products, services, capital, technologies, and people are spreading worldwide, the countries everywhere open up to a wider contact with each other.


The regionalism is described as “the actions taken by the governments to liberalize or facilitate the trade on a regional basis, sometimes through the free-trade areas or customs unions.”

If we take into account the Regional Trade Agreements (RTA), which are in force but have not been notified, those signed but not yet in force, those currently being negotiated, and those in proposal stage; we arrive at a figure of close to 400 RTAs which are scheduled to be implemented.

Of these RTAs, the Free Trade Agreements and partial scope agreements account for over 90%, while the customs unions account for less than 10%.

International Business Modules.

Globalization and regionalization: main agreements and institutions.
Globalization regionalization

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Madrid System: International Trademark Registration

African Continental Free-Trade Area (AfCFTA) 1 billion people, 1.2 trillion dollar

Indian-Ocean Rim Association IORA, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius...

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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