EENI Global Business School

Mexican Competitive Advantages

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Syllabus of the Subject

Competitiveness of Mexico. Ranking of Mexican states. Ease of doing business

  1. Mexican Competitive Advantages
  2. Ease of doing business in Mexico
  3. International competitiveness of Mexico
  4. Competitiveness Ranking of the Mexican states

Foreign Trade and Business in Mexico

The Subject “Mexican Competitive Advantages” belongs to the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Mexican Economy, Carlos Slim, FDI in Mexico...

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish México Ventajas Study Doctorate in International Business in French Mexique Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mexico.

Online Student (Master International Business Foreign Trade)

  1. Mexico occupies the second worldwide position, by the number of Agreements in force. Mexico has signed ten Free Trade Agreements and several Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
  2. Mexico is a member of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement(Mexico, the U.S., Canada). These three countries are also members of the APEC
  3. Mexico is the second largest foreign direct investment recipient in Hispanic America
  4. Mexico offers important savings in labour force costs compared to other potential foreign direct investment locations
  5. Business with productive activities in the U.S. could benefit with an 11.5% tax rate reduction by moving to Mexico
  6. In Mexico, an investor needs only six procedures to incorporate a company
  7. For export products from Mexico, only five procedural documents are required. This gives to Mexico an advantage over countries like Brazil, China, and India where are required more documents
  8. Regarding the Macroeconomics stability, Mexico ranks in the twenty-eight place (out of 139 countries, World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report)
  9. Mexico is situated between the main global consumer markets
  10. Mexico shares a border with the U.S. (3,000 kilometers); has quick access to the European market through the Atlantic Ocean and the Asian markets through the Pacific Ocean
  11. Mexico has many natural resources that favor the development of a vast number of production activities, including those related to renewable energy generation
  12. Mexico has a long tradition of mining production, which plays a significant position in the economic activity of Mexico, especially in the industrial sector. Mexico is globally renewed for its mineral production, particularly silver, copper, bismuth, arsenic, lead, and zinc

ProMexico is the Mexican Government institution in charge of strengthening the Mexican participation in the international economy.

Ranking of Easy of Doing Business of the Mexican States.

States Ranking
Aguascalientes 1
Baja California 27
Baja California Sur 31
Campeche 7
Coahuila 10
Colima 6
Chiapas 2
Chihuahua 11
Federal district 32
Durango 18
Guanajuato 9
Guerrero 25
Hidalgo 16
Jalisco 29
Mexico 28
Michoacán 14
Morelos 30
Nayarit 15
Nuevo Leon 12
Oaxaca 20
Puebla 19
Querétaro 17
Quintana Roo 22
San Louis Potosí 4
Sinaloa 5
Sonora 13
Tabasco 8
Tamaulipas 21
Tlaxcala 23
Veracruz 24
Yucatán 26
Zacatecas 3

Source: Doing Business -World Bank

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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