Quakers, Business, Ethics, Abolition of SlaveryReligious Society of Friends (Quakers) Barclays, Lloyds. Nobel Peace Prize
Quakers, Ethics and Business The Subject “Quakers, Ethics and Business” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Course: Christianity & Business. Doctorate: Ethics, Religion & Business. Masters: Religions & Business, International Business. The Quakers (literally “Friends”), or the Religious Society of Friends, is a religion founded by George Fox (1624-1691) in the United Kingdom and came to the United States, especially to Pennsylvania, with William Penn.
Despite their small number, there are two fundamental reasons for including the Quakers in our project: Sri Ramakrishna- Toynbee - Global Ethics and business:
For a Quaker, as for a Hindu, the human being has a part of the divinity within. Therefore, the contact with the Superior Reality should be made directly without intervention of any priest.
Quakers and Business Despite their small number, the Quakers founded banks and financial institutions (Barclays, Lloyds, and Friends Provident), industrial companies (Clarks, Cadbury, Rowntree, and Fry), as well as, they have devoted significant efforts to philanthropy and social causes. Among the best-known Quaker actors we can quote James Dean or Ben Kingsley (actors), Judi Dench (Oscar winner for Best Actress in 2005), two American Presidents (Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon - Quaker father and Methodist mother), the Nobel Peace Prize (1959) Philip J. Noel-Baker (English Pacifist Political), one of the founders of Amnesty International Eric Baker, Irving and Dorothy Stowe founders of Greenpeace, H Leslie Kirkley founder of OXFAM, John Freame and Thomas Gould, and the founders of the Barclays Bank. Symbol of the Quakers. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |