International Transport, Logistics (Master Business)Doctorate in Global Business: International Transport and Logistics (maritime, air)The Module “International Transport and Logistics” (34 ECTS) is part of the following Online Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: The Module “International Transport and Logistics” consists of six parts: 1- Introduction to the International Transport and Logistics (PDF) (5 ECTS). 2- Maritime Transport (PDF) (5 ECTS). 3- Road Transport (PDF) (10 ECTS). 4- Rail Transport (PDF) (5 ECTS). 5- Air transport (PDF) (4 ECTS). 6- Multimodal / Combined transport (PDF) (5 ECTS). The objective of the module “International Transport and Logistics” is to provide all the knowledge, techniques and tools necessary to manage all the issues related to the international freight transport:
In the PDFs you can download the index, structure and objectives of each module. Main subjects of the module on international transport: Introduction to the International Transport and Logistics: Maritime transport.
Road transport.
International air transport. Rail transport.
Multimodal transport.
Master in International Business: Globalization, World Economic Areas, Foreign Trade, International Transport, Global Marketing, Adaptation to the student's country (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe), Thesis, Career Opportunities.
(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |