EENI Global Business School

Thesis (Dissertation) Master in International Business

For the successful completion of the Master, the student must submit a Thesis (Dissertation)

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Master in International Business: Globalization, World Economic Areas, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Global Marketing, Adaptation to the student's country (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe), Thesis, Career Opportunities.

Thesis (Dissertation) of the Master in International Business (MIB).

For the successful completion of the Professional Master in International Business taught by EENI, the student must submit a Thesis (Dissertation) (10 ECTS).

The topic must be related to the International Business (Foreign Trade, Global Marketing, Internationalization...).

The Thesis normally reports on a research project or an extended analysis of a topic.

Some examples of thesis are:

  1. International Marketing Plan for the Asian/South American Markets (for a company)
  2. Creating international distribution networks in India/Brazil/China
  3. International promotion strategies in the ASEAN/USMCA markets
  4. Project Investment in China/Mexico/Nigeria
  5. SWOT analysis of the company X in the ASEAN/Central American Markets
  6. Regional Integration in Asia/America

For the students who are working in an exporting company; we recommend writing the dissertation (thesis) on the elaboration of an International Marketing Plan for one market.

Continuous assessment of the Master in International Business (MIB)

The assessment of the student is continuous and is based on the:

1- Successful completion of exercises.

Each subject of each module of the Master of Science in International Business (Incoterms® 2020, International Logistics, international distribution, export prices, FDI, Intercultural Management...) has exercises that are evaluated, which the student must work out and pass to obtain the diploma issued by EENI Global Business School.

The important thing is to learn!

2- Thesis of the Master in International Business (MIB).

Enroll Enrol / Request for Information

Online Student Master in International Business

Doctorate in World Trade.

Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Master Negocios Internacionales Study Doctorate in International Business in French Master affaires internationales Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Mestrado em Negócios Internacionais.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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