Europe Master in International Business. RussiaAdaptation of the Master / Doctorate in International Business to Europe, Russia, UkraineMaster in International Business: Globalization, Foreign Trade, Transportation, Global Marketing, Adaptation to the European students (Africa, Asia, Middle East, Europe), World Economic Areas, Thesis, Career Opportunities. The objective of this module is to adapt the Master in International Business taught by EENI Global Business School to the European Countries with the Regional Institutions, Trade Agreements, international trade relations... of the student's country. Modules and Subjects for the European Students: Common Subjects for all the European Students: UN, Economic Commission for Europe...
Master in International Business - Turkey: Economic Cooperation Organization, BSEC, GUAM, European Union-Turkey Customs Union, EUROMED, EU-BSS, OIC. Master in International Business for the Central European Students: Common Subjects: Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), European Union-Western Balkans, EU enlargement. Specific units for the students from:
Master in International Business for the South Caucasus Students: Common Subjects: Commonwealth of Independent States, BSEC, EU-South Caucasus, EU-BSS. Doctorate and Masters in International Business for the EFTA students: Common Subjects: EFTA, Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Egypt, Jordan, South Korea, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)... Specific units for the students from: Other countries ( Monaco, San Marino...) please contact with us.
Doctorate: World Trade. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |