EENI Global Business School

Containers and International Transportation

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Syllabus of the Subject

Customs Convention on Containers. BIC Code. Intermodal Transport

  1. Introduction to the Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal (BIC) / International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport
  2. Container marking: code, number, Combined Data Plate, Mandatory Operational Marks
  3. Freight Containers-coding, Identification and Marking (BIC Code)
  4. BoxTech Global Container Database
  5. International Party Identification and Location Codes (LOCODES)
  6. International conventions related to the containerization:
    1. Customs Convention on Containers (CCC, UN) 1972
    2. International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) 1972
    3. Istanbul Convention

Sample - Containers and International Transportation:
Containers and international transport. Customs Convention on Containers. BIC Code. Intermodal Transport

The objectives of the subject “Containers and International Transportation” are the following.

  1. To understand the role of the International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport
  2. To understand the importance of the Containerization in the international transport
  3. To know the marking requirements for the Containers (BIC Code, plates, identification...)
  4. To analyze the main international n related to the Containerization

E-learning Courses, Diplomas (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Bureau International des Containers (International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport) was founded in 1933 as a neutral, non-profit international organization whose mission is to promote the safe and sustainable expansion of the Containerization and intermodal transport.

The International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport (BIC) publishes and maintains the BIC Code Register since 1970. The BIC Code is a container owner code.

  1. The BIC Code allows an adequate identification of the containers and facilitates the border crossing without delays
  2. BIC Code or ISO Alpha Codes: International Identification Codes of Container Owners
  3. ISO 6346 Standard: Coding, identification and marking of cargo containers

The BIC Code (International Identification Codes of Container Owners) is accepted by:

  1. World Customs Organization (WCO)
  2. Customs Convention on Containers
  3. TIR Convention
  4. International Road Transport Union (IRU)
  5. International Union of Railways
  6. International Chamber of Shipping
  7. IATA

Road-Rail Combined Transport, Intermodal loading units. Swap body

International Party Identification and Location Codes (LOCODES) of the UN: encoded geographic identification

The International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport (BIC) is an observer member in:

  1. Chicago Convention (ICAO)
  2. International Maritime Organization
  3. World Customs Organization (OMA)
  4. United Nations UNECE

Currently, the International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport has more than 2,300 companies that operate containers in more than 127 countries.

ILU Code for Road-Rail Combined Transport.

International conventions of the International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport that have contributed to the expansion of the Containerization:

  1. Customs Convention on Containers (CCC) 1972
  2. Istanbul Convention de 1990
  3. International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) 1972

In 1933, the International Chamber of Commerce created the International Bureau of Containers and Intermodal Transport

Headquarters of the International Office for the Containers and Intermodal Transport: Paris (France).

Source: International Office for the Containers and Intermodal Transport

International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC) 1972. Safety Approval Plate on the container

Safe Load Securing for Road Transport.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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