EENI Global Business School

Giving Pledge, Gates, Buffett, Philanthropy

Largest philanthropic initiative (Giving Pledge) Buffett and Gates, Agnostics

  1. Introduction to the philanthropic initiative “The Giving Pledge”
  2. Founders of the Giving Pledge: Bill Gates and Warren Buffet
  3. Millionaires who have joined the initiative

Giving Pledge
Giving Pledge (Doctorate, Master, Religions, International Business)

Online Student Master in International Business

The Subject “Giving Pledge” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: Religions & Business, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Compromiso Dar Study Doctorate in International Business in French Engagement de donner.

U.S. Businessman: Thomas Monaghan, Philip Anschutz, Ray L. Hunt, S. Truett Cathy, Howard Ahmanson, Steve Strang, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mimi Alemayehou.

Religions and Business.

The largest Western philanthropic initiative, the Giving Pledge was created in 2010 by the billionaires Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, both agnostics, with aiming that the wealthiest Americans donated at least 50% of his fortune to the charity.

Since its creation, 125 billion dollars have already committed. Shortly after its release, forty billionaires of the United States had acceded to the Giving Pledge. The Fortune magazine described it as “the largest campaign that has never been done to raise money for philanthropy.”

Ahimsa (Non-Violence) and International Business. Jainism

The following people were committed with The Giving Pledge, as we see this initiative is made up of the people of different religions: Christians (Catholics, Protestants, Methodists, Mormons), Jews, Hinduism, Muslims and by Agnostics and Atheists.

However, the majority of Jews is overwhelming. This initiative is made up mostly of Americans, but we also find millionaires in India, Ukraine, England, France, or South Africa.

Note: If we do not specify their religion is that not stated publicly.

Bill Ackman and his wife, Karen. Jewish. American, Investment Fund Manager. He donated 160 million dollars to social investments.

Paul Allen. American (1953). Co-founder of Microsoft. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation donated 30 million dollars to various causes.

John D. Arnold and his wife, Laura. America.

Lord Ashcroft. English (1946). Businessman, philanthropist, and political.

Manoj Bhargava (1953, India, living in the United States) Businessman, philanthropist, and founder and Managing Director (CEO) of 5-Hour Energy. Through his Foundation, his company donated 45% of their profits to the charity. (Hinduism).

Steve Bing (1965). American. Bing donated mainly for the environmental causes.

Nicolas Berggruen (1961). American and German. He has not declared any religion, but his father was Jewish.

Sara Blakely. American (1971). Jewish. The Foundation Sara Blakely donated 1 million dollars to the Leadership Academy Oprah Winfrey.

Arthur Blank. American (1942) co-founder of The Home Depot. Jewish.

Michael Bloomberg (1942) Businessman and Philanthropist. The seven richest person of the United States. The Bloomberg Philanthropies Foundation donated 311 million dollars in 2011

Sir Richard Branson (1950) and his wife, Joan. An English Businessman and the founder of Virgin. He is declared atheist.

Eli Broad (1933) and his wife, Edythe. American Philanthropist and Businessman. Jewish. He donated 2.4 billion dollars.

Charles Bronfman (1931) is a Canadian Businessman and Philanthropist. He donated 10 million dollars to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Jewish.

Edgar M. Bronfman. President of the World Jewish Congress.

Warren Buffett

Steve Case (1958) and his wife, Jean. President of America Online. He donated 10 million dollars to Punahou School (Hawaii).

John Caudwell (1952) is an English Businessman and Philanthropist

Leon G. Cooperman and his wife, Toby. American Businessman. Donated 25 million dollars to the Columbia Business School

Joe Craft (1950 United States), Businessman and energy industry leader and a prominent philanthropist.

Joyce and Bill Cummings.

Strive Masiyiwa (Zimbabwe)

Ray Dalio (1949) and his wife, Barbara. American Businessman.

John Paul DeJoria. One of the hundred richest men in the World. He donated funds for health.

John Doerr (1951) and his wife, Ann. American Venture capitalist.

Barry Diller and Diane von Fürstenberg. Jewish.

Glenn Dubin and his wife, Eva. American. Jewish. In 2010, Dubin donated 5 million dollars to Harvard University.

Larry Ellison (1944) American Businessman, co-founder of Oracle, Ellison has been declared as a “religious sceptic.” Ellison donated 151 million dollars to the charity.

Chuck Feeney (1931) is an American Businessman and Philanthropist. Donations of 6,200 million dollars.

Andrew Forrest (1961) and his wife, Nicola. Mining tycoon of Australia.

Ted Forstmann (1940 - 2011). He was Catholic Christian.

Phillip Frost (1935) and his wife, Patricia. American Businessman pharmaceutical industry. Jewish. In 2003; he donated 33 million dollars for the School of Music at the University of Miami.

Bill and Melinda Gates

David Gelbaum (1950) and his wife, Monica. American Businessman. Donated 250 million dollars to help veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Dan Gilbert (1962) and his wife, Jennifer. Jewish.

David Green (1941) and his wife, Barbara. American multi-millionaire and founder of Hobby Lobby. Since 2012 donated 500 million dollars.

Jeff Greene (1954) and his wife, Mei Sze. Jeff Greene is an American Businessman of real estate and philanthropist. Jewish.

Harold Hamm (1945) and his wife, Sue Ann. American Oil tycoon and philanthropist

Reed Hastings Jr. (1960) and his wife, Patty Quillin. American Businessman and Philanthropist.

Lyda Hill (1942) is the granddaughter of oil tycoon Ray L Hunt. Donated 50 million dollars to the University of Texas.

Barron Hilton (1927). American Businessman. In 2007; he donated 97% of his fortune to philanthropy.

Christopher Cooper-Hohn (1967) English financial and philanthropist Between 2006 - 2011, Hohn has donated 1000 million Pounds.

Jon Huntsman (1960) and his wife, Karen. American Political, Businessman. Huntsman is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).

Mo Ibrahim (1946) Muslim

Carl Icahn Celian (1936) American Businessman and investor. He is Jewish.

Irwin M. Jacobs (1933) and his wife, Joan. Executive Director of Qualcomm.

George B. Kaiser (1942): American Businessman. Jewish. He is one of the fifty largest U.S. Philanthropists.

Vinod Khosla (1955) and his wife, Neeru. Businessman Indo-American, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, he donated 500 dollars to the Foundation Wikimedia. Hinduism.

Sidney Kimmel (1928) Businessman, philanthropist, and film-maker. Jewish. He donated more than 1,000 million dollars.

Richard Kinder (1944) and his wife, Nancy. Managing Director (CEO) and President of Kinder Morgan Energy. Donated 15 million dollars to the University of Rice, and 30 million to improve the Houston parks.

Kenneth Langone (1935) and his wife, Elaine. The investor donated 150 million dollars. Christian

H. F. Lenfest and his wife, Marguerite. American Media Businessman and Philanthropist. In 2012 donated 40,000,000 dollars for the American Revolution Museum. He donated 100 million to the University of Columbia.

Peter B. Lewis. American Businessman.

Lorry I. Lokey (1927). American Businessman and Philanthropist. Jewish. He has donated more than 400 million dollars to charities.

George Lucas (1944). American Film Director and Businessman. In 2005, Lucas donated 1 million dollars to the Martin Luther King Memorial. In 2006, University of Southern California received 180 million. He is Methodist.

Duncan MacMillan and his wife, Nancy. Founder of Bloomberg.

Alfred E. Mann.

Joe Mansueto (1956) and his wife, Rika. American Businessman. In 2008; they donated 25 million dollars to the University of Chicago.

Bernie Marcus (1929) and his wife, Billi. American Businessman. Jewish. Marcus donated 25 million dollars to Autism Speaks.

Susan Rasinski McCaw (1962) is a businesswoman, former ambassador, and philanthropist.

Red McCombs (1927) and his wife, Charline. Businessman. The United States

Michael Milken (1946) and his wife, Lori. American financial and philanthropist. Jewish.

George P. Mitchell. Magnate Petroleum industry. He died in 2013.

Tom Monaghan (1937) is an American Businessman. Catholic. Founder of Domino's Pizza in 1960. Has donated hundred million dollars.

Gordon Moore (1929) and his wife, Betty. Co-founder of Intel Corporation and author of the Law of Moore. In 2001, Moore and his wife has donated 600 million dollars to the Caltech Institute

John Morgridge (1933) and his wife, Tashia. American Businessman. He has donated 175 million dollars to create the Wisconsin Education Fund.

Sir Michael Jonathan Moritz KBE (1954). Welsh investor, philanthropist, and writer. Jewish.

Dustin Moskovitz (1984) and Cari Tuna. American Businessman and Co-founder of Facebook. Jewish.

Patrice Motsepe (1962) and his wife, Precious. South African mining magnate. In 2013, joined the Giving Pledge, pledging to give half of his fortune.

Elon Musk (Sudáfrica, 1971) American Businessman and investor.

Jonathan M. Nelson. American Banker

Pierre Omidyar (1967) and his wife, Pam. Pierre Omidyar Morad. Iranian - French Businessman and Philanthropist, founder of eBay. Donated 3 million dollars to Louvre. Muslim.

Bernard Osher (1927) and Barbro Sachs-Osher. American Businessman. He donated 805 million dollars. Jewish.

Ronald Perelman (1943). American Businessman. Jewish (Orthodox). He is one of the greatest philanthropists in the World.

Jorge M. Pérez (1950 Argentina) and his wife, Darlene. Businessman (Real Estate).

Peter George Peterson.

T. Boone Pickens. American Businessman (Energy).

Victor Pinchuk (1960). Ukrainian Businessman and Philanthropist. Jewish.

Hasso Plattner (1944), German Businessman. Co-founder of SAP AG; he donated 20 million € to the reconstruction of the Stadtschloss (Potsdam). Christian Protestant.

Vladimir Potanin. Russian Businessman. Christian Orthodox.

Azim Premji. Businessman (IT Wipro). Muslim

Julian H. Robertson Jr. (1932) American Businessman (Venture Capital). Methodist Protestant Episcopal.

David Rockefeller (1915), American Banker and philanthropist. Christian Baptist.

Edward W. And Deedie Potter Rose. Christian.

Stephen M. Ross. Businessman (property). American.

David M. Rubenstein (1949), Co-founder of Carlyle Group. Jewish.

John David Sainsbury (1940), British Businessman. In 2009; he donated 660 million Pounds. Anglican.

John Sall (1948) and his wife, Ginger. Businessman and Philanthropist. Co-founder of SAS.

Henry Samueli (1954) and his wife, Susan. Businessman and Philanthropist (U.S.). Has donated 50 million dollars to the UCLA.

Osher Marion Sandler (1930- 2012) ex co-CEO of Golden West Financial Corporation.

Vicki and Roger Sant. (World Wildlife Fund)

Thomas Denny Sanford (1935). American Businessman and Philanthropist. In 2007; he donated 400 million dollars to Sioux Valley Hospital.

Lynn Schusterman (1939). American philanthropist. Jewish. Donated 6 million dollars to the Schusterman centre (University of Texas).

Walter Scott, Jr. (1931). American Businessman and Philanthropist.

Thomas Secunda (1954) and his wife, Cindy. American Businessman, co-founder of Bloomberg. Jewish.

Harold Clark Simmons (1931) is a Businessman and multi-millionaire American. Christian Baptist. The Foundation Harold Simmons donated 50 million dollars to the Foundation Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Marilyn Hawrys Simons and James Harris Simons (1938). Jewish.

Paul E. Singer. American Businessman and Philanthropist. Jewish.

Jeff Skoll (1965) is a Canadian Businessman. Jewish.

John A. Sobrato. The owner of Sobrato. They have pledged to donate 100% of their wealth.

Patrick Soon-Shiong and his wife, Michele B. Chan. A multi-millionaire, philanthropist, and Businessman (Biotechnology).

Ted and Vada Stanley.
Mark Stevens and his wife, Mary. Mark Stevens (Sequoia Capital), has donated 22 million dollars to the University of South California.

Tom Steyer (1957) and his wife, Kat Taylor. American philanthropist

James E. Stowers and his wife, Virginia. Venture Capital. In 2000; he donated 1,200 million dollars.

Tan Sri Dato (1952). Malaysian Businessman, philanthropist an investor.

Tad Taube. American Businessman and Philanthropist Jewish.

Claire and Leonard Tow.

Ted Turner (1938). Donated 1000 million dollars to the UN. Agnostic.

Albert Lee Ueltschi.

Romesh Wadhwani(India, 1947) and his wife, Kathleen. Businessman (Capital risk). Hinduism.

Sanford Weill (1933) and his wife, Joan. American financial and philanthropist. Jewish. In 2011; he donated 10 million dollars to a hospital in Israel

Shelby White. Leon Levy (1925 - 2003)

Samuel Yin. Taiwanese Businessman.

Charles Zegar (1948) and his wife, Merryl Snow. Charlie Zegar (1948). The United States multi-millionaire. Jewish

Mark Zuckerberg (1984) Founder of Facebook.

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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