Nadhmi Auchi. Chaldean Businessman, UKChaldean Businessman: Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraq, UK)
Sample - Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Chaldean Businessman) The Subject “Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Chaldean Businessman)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & Business. Masters: Religions & Business, International Business. Course: Christianity & Business. Languages: or Nadhmi Shakir Auchi Nadhmi Shakir Auchi Nadhmi Shakir Auchi. Nadhmi Shakir Auchi (Iraqi Businessman). Nadhmi Auch Shakir was born on June 11, 1937; he is a British - Iraqi business person and billionaire, and the founder and president of the Anglo-Arab organization.
Nadhmi Shakir Auchy and his wife are Christian Chaldeans (Babylonian Chaldean Catholic Church - Eastern Catholic), through his Foundation, they aim to promote the dialogue between the religions, the unity among the Arab States and build bridges between the West and the Arab world through philanthropy. In recognition of his business and philanthropic activities throughout the world, Nadhmi Shakir Auch has received numerous awards. Nadhmi Shakir Auchi belongs to the Arab Economic Area. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |