Influence of Buddhism on the West. Steve JobsWorld-famous Buddhist, related to culture and business. William Ford
The Subject “Influence of Buddhism on the West” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Course: Buddhism, Ethics and Business. Doctorate: Ethics, Religions & Global Business. Masters: International Business. Languages: Why study “Buddhism and Business”?. Buddhism: Mahayana and Theravada, Buddhist ethics, Buddhist Economics. In the West, there are many world-famous Buddhist, many of them related to the culture.
Steve Jobs. Many people know the co-founder of Apple, but perhaps not many know that Steve Jobs was a Zen Buddhist. Jobs was born in California on February 1955. His father was a Muslim of Syrian origin and his mother of German descent. In 1976, along with his friend Steve Wozniak created Apple in his garage. In 1981, he became a multi-millionaire. In 1985, Apple's Board of Directors dismissed him; Jobs sold all its shares except one. It is interesting to note, that Jobs did not invent anything new, but he knew how to re-invent many businesses. In 1973, he lived for seven months in Bharat (India). When he returned to the United States; he had his head shaved. Jobs studied Zen at the Zen centre of Los Altos, and there arise a deep friendship with his spiritual Zen master, Kobun Chino Otogawa (d. 2002). He began the Zen Meditation. The influence of the sobriety on Zen Buddhism is notorious on the designs of Apple or NeXT, and perhaps ease of use of its operating systems are also related to Zen influence. Sample - Influence of Buddhism on the West William Clay “Bill” Ford, Jr. William Clay “Bill” Ford, Jr. Is the great-grandson of Henry Ford and Henry Firestone (tires) and currently, is the Executive President of Ford Motor Company (U.S.). Previously; he was a senior Executive at other large companies such as Boeing. He is also the Vice President of the Detroit Lions NFL. “We want to be green, global, and high-tech” William Clay Ford, Jr Besides martial arts, acupuncture and homeopathy he studied yoga, Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Vipassana. He has been vegetarian for a decade. Although never positioned itself as Buddhist, the influence of Buddhism seems to be vital on his life. “In nature is where my heart is” William Clay Ford, Jr (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |