International Trade Finance. Financing ExportsFinance of export/ import transactions. International risks: foreign exchange
The aims of the subject “Foreign Trade Finance” are the following:
The Subject “International trade Finance” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade and Marketing. Languages: Credits of the subject “Foreign Trade Finance”: 4 ECTS. There are two basic forms for Financing Foreign Trade transactions:
Both can be performed in the currency of the exporter (for example, Euros) or any other fully convertible currency agreed by both parties. In the second case, the company assumes certain risks as the exchange rates difference. However, it can also profit from trading in another currency if there is a rise in the foreign currency value. The financial transactions in Foreign Trade can be performed in the currency of the exporter/importer or a third currency. In many cases, the export companies must facilitate financing for their clients mainly due to the market requirements. In the Foreign Exchange Market, the dealers trade in currencies. Product and service exports, foreign direct investment and foreign loans forms the currency supply whereas the currency demand consists of imports, foreign direct investment and other factors. These operations stimulate the buying and selling of currencies in a market governed by the supply and the demand. If a payment for a service provided or for a product delivered to a foreign client is in a currency other than in which the exporter usually operates, the exporter is exposed to the risk of exchange rate fluctuation. In any exporting or importing transaction there is a range of risks to be considered including:
The underlying commercial contract should clearly state the.
Sample - International Trade Finance: Country risk is caused by political (unwillingness to repay) or economic (inability to repay) events in a particular country. Normally, the country risk is measured as transfer risk or cross-border risk, which is another terminology used to describe the country risk. The Sovereign risk is the risk of the Government, or Government-related entity, making the payment. The Country risk embodies both govern and commercial risk. The Corruption perceptions index measures the perceived level of the public-sector corruption in 180 countries economies. (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |