Africa-Turkey Partnership CooperationTurkey: strategic partner of Africa. Istanbul Declaration. Foreign Trade
Sample - Africa-Turkey Economic Partnership The objectives of the subject “Africa-Turkey Economic Partnership” are to:
The Subject “Africa-Turkey Economic Partnership” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School: Courses: Islam & Business, International Relations of Africa. Doctorate in African Business. Languages: or Partenariat Afrique-Turquie África-Turquia África-Turquia. In 2008 took place the Summit for the creation of the “Africa-Turkey Partnership” like a “new model of long-term partnership to enhance a sustainable development and integration in Africa.” In this submit was adopted the:
The second summit took place in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) in 2014, adopting a Joint Implementation Plan. For the Turkish Government, Africa is a fundamental pillar of his foreign policy.
The objectives of the Africa-Turkey Partnership are:
Foreign Trade between the African Countries and Turkey:
The Africa-Turkey Partnership belongs to (c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024) |