EENI Global Business School

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

ASEAN Economic Community (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

  1. Introduction to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  2. Objectives and principles of the ASEAN
  3. ASEAN member countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
  4. ASEAN Economic Community
  5. ASEAN Free-Trade Area
  6. FDI in the ASEAN Countries
  7. ASEAN plus Three Cooperation

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Market Access - Trade Agreements

The aims of the subject “Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)” are the following:

  1. To understand the purposes and functions of the ASEAN
  2. To assess the benefits for the ASEAN member countries as well as the cooperation areas
  3. To understand the concept of “ASEAN Economic Community” (a single market and unified production base) and the implications for the ASEAN countries
  4. To understand the benefits of the free-trade area of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  5. To analyze the economic and trade integration process among the ASEAN member countries
  6. To know the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and the Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy
  7. To analyze the international relations of the ASEAN (Trade Agreements)

Asia Masters, Doctorate (Global Business, Foreign Trade)

The Subject “Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish ASEAN Study Doctorate in International Business in French Association des nations de l’Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN / ANASE) Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese ASEAN.

  1. Credits of the Subject “Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)”: 3 ECTS Credits
  2. Duration: three weeks

Foreign Trade and Business in Southeast Asia (ASEAN)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created in 1967 in Bangkok by the five original ASEAN member economies: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

  1. Brunei joined in 1984
  2. Vietnam in 1995
  3. Laos and Myanmar in 1997
  4. Cambodia in 1999

The ASEAN region has a population of 625 million people, a total area of 4.5 million km², a combined GDP of 1,100 billion dollars and a total trade of 1,400 billion dollars.

The ASEAN economic cooperation covers:

  1. Foreign Trade
  2. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  3. Industry sector
  4. Trade in Services
  5. International finance
  6. Agriculture and forestry
  7. Energy
  8. International transport
    1. Asia-Africa Logistics Corridor
  9. Communication
  10. TRIPS
  11. Small and medium enterprises (SME)
  12. Tourism

The ASEAN plus Three Cooperation began in 1997 with the meeting of an unofficial Summit among the Leaders of the ASEAN and their counterparts from East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea.

ASEAN Religions: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.

Buddhism and Global Business

  1. Total Muslim people in the ASEAN: 241,224 million
  2. Total Buddhist people in the ASEAN: 103,873 million

Transport Corridors:

  1. East-West Corridor (Myanmar-Vietnam)
  2. Nanning-Singapore Logistics Corridor
    1. Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone

Asian Economic Institutions

Other institutions related to the ASEAN:

  1. Colombo Plan
  2. Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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