EENI Global Business School

Said Awadh Bakhresa. Tanzanian Businessman

Bakhresa Group, largest conglomerate in Tanzania (Said Salim Awad)

  1. Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (Tanzanian Muslim Businessman)
  2. Bakhresa Group (Tanzanian conglomerate)
  3. The “United Against Malaria” programme developed by Said Bakhresa

Sample - Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (Tanzanian Businessman)
Said Bakhresa Tanzanian Businessman

Student, Online Doctorate in International Business

This subject “Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (Businessperson, Tanzania, Muslim)” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Master in Business in Africa, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Courses: Islam & Business, East Africa, African Economy.

Foreign Trade and Business in East Africa

Doctorate: African Business, Ethics, Religions & Business.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Masters adapted to Tanzania, Masters, International Business Trade Tanzanian Students.

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Said Bakhresa Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Said Bakhresa Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Said Bakhresa.

African Business and Economy

Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa

Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (Tanzanian businessperson) was born in 1949 in Zanzibar (Tanzania - East Africa).

  1. Mr Bakresa is Muslim
  2. Forbes considers him as one of the forty richest Africans, with an estimated net worth of 520 million dollars
  3. Said Salim Bakhresa is the Founder and Director of the Tanzanian conglomerate Bakhresa Group: Food and beverages, logistics, property (real estate), and Packaging
  4. Said Salim Bakhresa not belonged to a wealthy family, but had very humble origins in the 70s he worked at a small restaurant in Dar es-Salaam, but he managed to build a business empire
  5. Today the Bakhresa Group, the largest conglomerate in Tanzania, is present in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique
  6. More than 2,000 people work in the Bakhresa Group
  7. Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa has launched several philanthropic activities, by example, the Bakhresa Group has a programme to diminish the effects of Malaria. Recently; he joined the “United Against Malaria”

Islam and Global Business. Islamic Economic Areas

Said Salim Awadh Bakhresa (Muslim Businessman) belongs to the East African Economic Area.

  1. Reginald Mengi
  2. Mohammed Dewji

More information about Tanzania (EENI African Business Portal).

  1. Dodoma, Dar es-Salaam
  2. Mwanza, Arusha

Religions and Business - Islam in Africa.

We Trust in Africa (Affordable Higher Education for Africans)

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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