EENI Global Business School

Global Market Research. PEST Analysis

International Market Research. Sales potential in foreign markets

  1. Introduction to the global market research
  2. How to export?
  3. Where to export?
  4. What to export?
  5. Methods of conducting a market research
  6. Quantitative analysis
  7. Qualitative methods
  8. Market profitability
  9. Sales potential in foreign markets
  10. PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological Factors)
  11. Market research study
  12. Case Study:
    1. Market research using the market access tool (MADB) of the EU
    2. Mitsui Co
    3. Cargill

Sample - International market research:
Export Market Research

The main purpose of the Subject “International market research” is to understand the key tools and concepts of the international market research and how best to apply them.

  1. To understand the importance of the global market research in the strategies of Internationalization
  2. To know how to analyze an international market research
  3. To learn how to use the PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological)

This will be achieved by:

  1. Analysing the goals of researching a new export market
  2. Outlining the features of both qualitative and quantitative analysis
  3. Detailing the type of information that the student should obtain to assess the commercial viability of an export market

Online Student Master in International Business

The Subject “International market research” belongs to the following Programs taught by EENI Global Business School:

Masters: Foreign Trade, International Business.

Masters in International Business and Foreign Trade (MIB)

Doctorate: World Trade.

Doctorate in International Business (DIB) Online

Diploma: International Marketing.

Diploma in International Marketing and Internationalization

Courses: Foreign Trade Assistant, Advanced Global Marketing.

Foreign Trade Assistant

Languages: Masters, Doctorate, International Business, English or Study Doctorate in International Business in French Études de marché Study Master Doctorate in International Business in Spanish Estudios de mercado Masters Foreign Trade in Portuguese Estudo de Mercado.

Credits of the Subject “International market research”: 2 ECTS.

Area of Knowledge: International Marketing.

The first step that a potential export enterprise should take is to estimate the sales potential in each foreign market. There are more of 200 potential markets in the World, which implies the analysis of a huge amount of information. Many Export Directors select the markets, which share a cultural proximity (Spanish exporters seek to approach to the Latin America markets, Portuguese exporters to Brazil or Angola).

The exporter can use several parameters to describe the potential market:

  1. Total population
  2. Potential market (segment of the population interest in buy -or import- the product or service)
  3. Available market (segment of the population who have enough money to purchase the product or service)
  4. Qualified available market
  5. Target market (segment of the market defined in the marketing plan)
  6. Penetrated market (people of the company in the target market who have to buy the product or service)
  7. Digital / e-business topics

International market research

A PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) analysis is an evaluation of the external macro environment that affects the business. The external factors can be threats or opportunities; normally they are beyond the control of the exporter.

This subject includes the EENI Global Business School Market Access tool
International Market Access

An example of the Market Access Tool
Market Research: Country profile

Market Access FDI

(c) EENI Global Business School (1995-2024)
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