Masters EENI Global Business School

Vietnam Hanoi (Trade, Masters Business)

Masters International Business in Vietnam Việt Nam - Vietnamese Students. Hanoi, Lao Cai, Hue, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh... ASEAN - APEC

Vietnam - Masters and Doctorates in International Business taught by EENI Global Business School for the Vietnamese students:

  1. Master in International Business for Vietnamese students
  2. Masters: International Business, Foreign Trade, Transportation
  3. Doctorates: Global Ethics and Business, World Trade, Global Logistics

Online Student (Masters, Doctorates Business) Higher Education in Asia.

Enrol, study online and receive your European diploma from your home!

Adaptation of Academic Programs to Vietnamese students:

  1. ASEAN
  2. ASEAN Free-Trade Area
  3. APEC
  4. Trans-Pacific Partnership
  5. Vietnam has Free Trade Agreements with Australia New Zealand, Canada, China, India, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the United States, Pakistan
  6. UK-Vietnam Free Trade and Economic Integration Agreement
  7. East-West Economic Corridor (Myanmar-Thailand-Laos-Vietnam)
  8. Nanning-Singapore Corridor
    1. Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Zone
  10. Greater Mekong Subregion
  11. Mekong River Commission
  12. Regional Comprehensive Economic Association

Asian Organisations

  1. Boao Forum for Asia
  2. Asia Cooperation Dialogue
  3. ESCAP
  4. Asian Development Bank
  5. Colombo Plan
  6. Africa-Asia Strategic Partnership
Higher Education Programs for the Vietnamese students and living in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese students and living in Vietnam (Hanoi, Lao ai, Hue, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh, Long Xuyen, Can Tho, Hong Gai, Vinh) can enrol online from home Financial aids offered for Vietnamese Students. EENI can provide financial aids, installments, or discounts cash payments for the Vietnamese students

Enrolment (Vietnam) will be analysed after receiving the Admission Form

All Vietnamese students are welcome to apply at EENI

  1. Học bổng Việt Nam
  2. Thạc sĩ kinh doanh quốc tế
  3. VENVIÊT-NAM Bourses d’études

Vietnam (Foreign Trade, Business)

Asian Online Students (Master International Business)

Borders of Vietnam: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

Higher Education for all at affordable prices

Study eLearning Master in Spanish Vietnam Study an Online Master in French Vietnam

Bhagavad Gita, Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda